
Is being shy being childish

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ok so im very shy and if someone who ive never met (but i talk to on the net) wants to call me i will freak out and my heart will start racing. so this guy i was talkin 2 was sayin i was being childish because i wdnt answer the phone




  1. no he is just tryna pressure into doing what he wants you do by making you seem like your doing something wrong.......  don't give in and don't do it if you don't want to

  2. Nobody has the right to call you childish for being shy, it is quite common for people to feel shy, some people do become less shy as they get older but you are only 18 and have years ahead of you to become more confident. It is not really natural to talk to strangers on the telephone so you are bound to feel anxious, you need to be careful with people online as they may not be what they say they are, yes I know you are 18 and an adult however you need to be cautious. You should try to meet people at work or college or join some groups where you can meet people. If someone calls you childish because you do not want to do something then they have no respect for your feelings they are infact trying to manipulate you into talking to them and right now you do not want to, never allow anyone to make you do something you are not comfortable with. Just correspond with people on the internet via instant chat do not give your details as you can never be sure who they are and you need to keep yourself safe.  

  3. Be very careful of contacts on the internet. You should never give them your phone number. They can find your address from that information.

    It's not childish to be shy. It sounds like he's putting pressure on you already. That is a big warning.

    You have published your profile. It shows the questions you answered. In a matter of minutes I've read that you are an 18 year old virgin that likes to use a vibrator.

    You are either lying about yourself or you are asking for trouble. No wonder he's trying to contact you.

    If you are for real... start a new profile and hide your information. You are heading down a dangerous path.

  4. your not childish your just shy.... 0.o

  5. well hes stuupid,. its just that You haveNT OPENED UP yet.

    you gotta find some way to get more COMFORTABLE and less shy.

    whats so wrong talking on the phone?


  7. hi I'm the same and i'm 25 i am very shy over the phone if i'm face to face i'm more confortably but i would never advice u to meet or even give ur number out on the net every 1s character is different ur not childish its just part of u 8) xx

  8. Why are you giving your number to guys you met on the internet?

    Not so smart, babe.

  9. no your not childish, there is nothing wrong with being shy

  10. No your not childish.

    He was been childish for saying that!

    Your just shy, im shy in real life too.

  11. Your not being childish, but it's quite stupid to give your number to someone over the net unless you know someone who introduced them to you. By know I mean someone who you actually speak to and meet up with and have actually touched in the flesh.

  12. no its being shy && afraid to let your guard down;

    being childish is having childish ways and behaviors

    *best answer

  13. uhh i hope not cause i can be very shy, like when the populars, teachers or guys start talking to me i get all...quiet and nervous and warm and i HATE it. but when im w/ my friends im fine. Even w/ the fed-ex guy i get nervous like this morning...

  14. Being shy is hereditary, for the most part. Some shyness folks have is due to life's circumstance.  If he thinks you are a baby and is calling you names now, think of the rest of your life with him....Ditch him

  15. If you're genuinely shy, it's not childish at all. We're all made differently emotionally and mentally, not just physically. Some people are confident and some aren't.

  16. being shy isnt childish. hes only saying so you could pick up the phone.

  17. haha i do that too

    i sometimes dont answer my phone when guys call.

    It's okay to be shy. I like texting rather than talking on the phone, so tell that guy that its more comfortable to text or talk online.

    If you're not ready to talk to a guy you just met online on the phone, its okay. As you get to talk to him more, you would start wanting to talk on the phone with him:)

    hope that helped~

  18. No this is just who you are, sometimes shyness can be seen as an attractive quality!

  19. Being shy isn't childish, be more careful who you give yr numbr 2

  20. nooo it's not. do you know this guy? if u dont, u shouldnt even have given him your phone number, let alone talk to him. there's a bunch of sick people out in this world. im pretty shy myself. but it's not childish at all.

  21. Not at all, no.

  22. No, not in all cases  

  23. Not very  

  24. i wouldnt say its been childish to be shy, but. as for answering the phone. well thats not childish either. but you need to find a way of getting over that. practice whenever you can and answer the phone. if you avoid answering it. people will stop calling. and that wont make you happy. in the end you will be happier knowing you have the confidence. and prove (even though your not being) to this lad that you are not what he says you are.  

  25. no it's completely normal. it's like when people have a crush on somebody. they're shy to admit that they like them. it's a normal feeling. i'm shy all the time. so you're not childish.  

  26. dude you shouldnt give your # to a guy on the internet that you dont even know

    he could like find you and kill you and stuff

  27. no corse its not shyness is caused by anxeiety in the brain often brought on by talking to new or strange people.

    some people have it worse than other and some dont have it at all

    if you are a sufferer then practise your talking in the mirror or to a friend that you no or trust.

  28. Being shy is just a part of your personality and has nothing to do with being childish.

  29. Being shy is not childish, but if you can talk to this guy online, then you should have no problems talking to him on the phone. Give it a go, you can always hang up lol

  30. That wasn't necessarily being shy - that was a momentary panic.  If he's being that rude about it - he has no right to tell you how to react - then maybe he should stop calling.

    Being shy has nothing to do with being childish....totally different things.

  31. No, some people are introverts, some are extroverts...either way is OK. Being shy doesn't make you childish.

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