
Is being skinny a major disadvantage in a fight?

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Is being skinny a major disadvantage in a fight?




  1. skills > muscles

  2. size advantage? I never take that into consideration - I prefer to study the art of intellectual advantage during combat.

  3. no way look at bruce lee he is pretty skinny but you wouldnt want to get in a fight with him he would kick the c**p out of a boddy builder UFC champion any day.

  4. I'd say it's a disadvantage in general.

  5. Hello!

    Yep, like sneakin.....  says, and it all depends on your battle tactics....  (David and Goliath)?

    I have a friend who's like me, petite, but she could floor most blokes.......  I wonder if she's still alive........

    Why?  Where's the fight?  Who's fighting?  Hmmm....

    Try to make peace......  if that's too boring, then bring it on!

  6. I don't mean to disagree with everyone here, but in my experience (17 years of Judo and TKD) it is harder to win a fight if you are skinny. This does not mean you have to look like a WWE wrestler, but having some muscle bulk definitely helps.  When you get hit (which happens to all of us) there will be more muscle to help absorb the blow, for example.

  7. No. It doesnt depend in your muscle mass or if your big or small. It all depends on your skill. A weaker person with more skill will land more punches and maybe even kicks, be able to doge and not take any damage. Even though it will take long for that person to win that person will still win from having more skill.

  8. Skinny? Do you mean out of shape, no stamina no muscle definition, joint popping, rib exposed skinny, sunken gut skinny.

    than the answer is yes. If you mean lean ~5 to 8 percent body fat and fit than the answer is no.

  9. This really comes down to how each person can react and apply themselves throughout a battle.  You may be skinny but can have firmness and good structure and not necessarily big muscles , you should absolutely do strenght training because speed without strenght is not really efficient.  So working out is essential in everyone's life , either for sports , combat or just for good health.  If you are concerned with an upcoming event and havent had time to prepare and also do not have any fight experience , then i recommend you watch this and absorb the most you can :  , and here is an example workout for strenght that you can do at least two days per week :

  10. all else held constant then yes being less massive is a disadvantage

  11. Its not the size of the dog in the fight..its the size of the fight in the dog.

    I'd say being skinny would be a disadvantage in a fight since "skinny" is derogative like the word chunky.  Being thin and fit is not a disadvantage since thin guys are fast and speed is power.

  12. I am only 70 kg and in a competition being the lighter person can have an adverse effect, I may be quick but all it takes is one good shot and would be sent flying.  However in the street your size means nothing, it is a matter of who gets in there first.  In the street there are no rules, so I would use dirty tactics (i.e. weapons, eye gouging, sand...etc).

    While a larger person may have the advantage in weight, so when he hits you it will not require much effort on his part.  A slimmer person would have to hit, with every kg of his body weight to produce and effect, requiring more energy.  So I hope you are fitter than the larger bloke lol.

    Hope this helps mate :-)

  13. Not at all! One of my Senseis is skinny and he kicks butt! Literally, he LOVES kicking. He has VERY strong kicks. I LOVE sparring with him. I am a bit bigger and more built. Being Skinny can help while you can be very fast and energized. There is nothing wrong with that.

  14. If your techniques are sharp, then I say no. But despite what many people say, a certain amount of physical strength and agility is required to prevail in a fight.

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