
Is being tickled a bad thing?

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Why are you ticklish. How to not be ticklish no more. Is dry Skin a Cause.Can you be overtickled. Can too much tickling cause death?




  1. I am VERY ticklish and can't stand to be tickled.

    But I am a tickle victim regularly because my

    maniac friends love doing it because I go nuts,

    (that's me in the avatar). So while I feel like I'm

    dying from being tickled while its happening,

    the forced laughter makes me feel very good

    after, and they say it's healthy to laugh very

    hard often. Over-tickled? I have been tickle-

    tortured 3 times where they kept on until I

    went into seizures, (eyes roll back, muscles

    jerk, can't breathe, pass out) and I'm not prone

    to seizures, so those times I was definitely over-

    tickled. Dry skin makes no difference and there

    is no known way to stop being ticklish. Lots

    of times when my friends or family tickle me

    I pass out, so if you tickled someone to

    seizures and they stopped breathing, they

    could die from it. Also someone could have a

    heart-attack or stroke from very hard, non-stop

    laughing and the extreme panic of being tickled

    and die from it. But for me even though I can't

    stand it and they have to either hold me down

    or tie me to do it, I like the feeling of laughing

    soooo hard, and having my friends enjoy

    tickling me.

  2. Yes it is. No one really likes it*

  3. I don't know why some people are more ticklish than others, I'm not very ticklish and I hate to be tickled.  My husband is very ticklish and likes it in small doses.  I think self control is the only way to try not to be ticklish, try to think of something else, kind of like meditation.  That's what I do for pain and it works to an extent.  I don't think you could die from it though, pass out yea.

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