
Is being too successful in a sport a turn off to spectators ?

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I'm curious to know whether spectators of sports like swimming and tennis eventually grow tired of overly successful athletes who win everything like Roger Federer and Michael Phelps.

Obviously these guys are examples of 'super athletes' who are just too good at what they do. No disrespect to Roger or Michael, but while I enjoy seeing sportsmen succeed after hard work, training and competition, someone who is just that good over a very long period kind of makes watching them perform just another 'here we go again'.

It doesn't dull my enthusiasm for watching other athletes compete, but I just know it's a done deal when those guys do their thing, although with Roger Federer, he may have reached a cross-roads in terms of his years of success.




  1. I agree!  I get tired of hearing Michael Phelps, Michael Phelps, Michael Phelps... all the time!  I mean, of course he's a phenomenal swimmer but I mean come on!  There are other good swimmers on the US olympic team to talk about!  What about Lezak who was the last swimmer in the 400m relay everyones talking about?  All you see is Michael Phelp's reaction to the race, you don't hear nearly as much about how Lezak pulled them ahead!  And when Lezak was interviewed after the race, the reporters asked him, "so how does it feel to have helped michael phelps get his 8th gold medal?"  I feel bad for him! He won a race and all they can ask is isn't it cool that michael phelps has ANOTHER medal???  no disrespect to phelps or anything, I am more upset at the news people that keep talking about him

  2. I somewhat agree. I recall losing interest in Formula 1 when Schumacher was always winning.

  3. Yes I get over it. Definitely over Federer, so have been happy to see Nadal come up more lately.

    Am getting over Phelps now too, in his case though mainly because he doesn't seem to be showing any great joy when he wins. I like to see people getting excited at their performances

  4. I change the station when they talk about phelps.

    I also hate tiger woods.  everyon talks too much about these 2 people.

  5. there are always new people to watch so i don't mind :)

  6. only if they aren't jerks about it, then it makes me hate them but for guys like phelps i enjoy seeing him crush the competition.

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