
Is being vegan or vegetarian really going to change anything about the way we eat?

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I know there are vegetertians who like to keep to themselves,...BUT really whats the point in being vegetarian or vegan. If there was no cruelty in the process and you saw none of those videos of animal torture, would you be vegs. . Is there results of vegs. being healthier living longer or making a difference. As far as i know, vegs. are minority and i think like the super low minority. The whole world is eating why are you not eating animals, ....animals eat animals....

i just dont get it and im confused about the whole reason behind it.....




  1. Even if animals were not savagely tortured I would still not eat meat, it reeks havic on your system its hard for our bodies to digest meat. Since I personally have made the switch to a vegan lifestyle I have experienced so many changes in my body, the first couple weeks I lost 5 pounds and continue to lose, my taste buds have come alive and I don't feel run down and tired all the time!! It truly is a personal choice and I commend you for wanting info on the subject, it can be a heated discussion!! But bottom line since I switched I feel 110% better physically.

  2. Well the world will NEVER be all vegetarian or vegan. And I sure would like to know also what vegs think of animals eating animals. We know how they feel about humans killing to eat animals, but what about animals killing other animals. Some would argue that humans are animals too, so whats the difference? Animals were put on the Earth to eat. Period!

  3. All due respect to veggies everywhere, I'm a card carrying carnivore and always will be. I do eat veggies with my steak, but without the steak, in my way of life, it wouldn't be a well-balanced meal.

  4. While I think I always wanted to go veggie, it was an early stage medical problem that reared it's ugly head that actually pushed me into it and it did indeed put an end to that medical problem. So it is' the healthy least it was for me. I see myself one night, age 150 or so, feeling a little tired, taking a long walk, eatting a carrot and a cup of coffee, going to sleep and not waking up. Lots better than spending my last ten years in pain and barely alive.

    How will it change the world? When you become a vegetarian you start thinking of stuff like our "push and shove" world and how it could be better if we just stopped thinking only of ourselves and were more conciderate of each other, as it's not even possible to support the idea  that animals don't suffer when we grow them for food and people don't suffer when we are selfish.

    It takes more resources to make meat than vegetables and it pollutes less.

    Sounds better doesn't it? All that and brains too.

  5. :) To me it makes a difference.  If I don't support something than I'm not going to do it just because everyone else is.  To me I feel better, I look better, I'm healthier than the average meat eating American.  For me that is all that matters!

  6. by people eating other animals more animals must be killed and its very cruel to kill something for you to eat...when you dont have to

  7. Vegetarian- Old Indian word for bad hunter!!!

  8. read the food revolution by john robbins go to the library or get on this page i bought it read it now I see ..just stay informed..also the page has a section on why vegetarianism

    peaceful-organic-planet dot com/healthy-food.html

  9. Okay well there IS cruelty in the process of SLAUGHTER houses, and they do endure cruelty their whole lives, so why does it matter if there WEREN'T?  Vegetarians save roughly 93 lives a year, so being vegetarian does make a difference. And yes it is healthier. Raw meat (steak, etc) can reck havoc on you, because it still has parasites, and eating meat ups your chances of heart disease. And that's c**p that no one else is veg. They have a whole section here devoted to them, doesn't that say something? You are seriously trying to cause conflict. Besides, even if "the whole world is eating animals", I really don't care. I just don't see anything appealing in eating corpses and dead flesh. Still confused?

  10. Maybe it is what I believe is right, and it made a huge difference in my life. I went vegetarian before I saw any videos or before I read about all the benefits just because it is wrong to unnecessarily kill. Animals eat animals to survive, mankind eats animals because they like the taste of flesh. Unlike the rest of the human population, I know how to feel beyond myself. A harder question is how could anyone still eat meat after they have seen those videos. I dont give a c**p about what the rest of the world is doing. If everyone else jumped off the empire state building, would you?

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