
Is being vegeterian -for a guy- girly ?

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i dunno , may be an answer from a guy would be more useful , but i welcome any answers ...




  1. GIRLY!! WTF?? NO!!!

  2. no i thnk it is for any human tha twant s to live an ultra healthy life style !

  3. NO WAY!

  4. I am guy and 100% vegetarian and do not cunsume egg/milk

    but still eat cake and drink Milo.

  5. no way i know tons of guys who are vegetarian or vegan :)

  6. nah,  too complicated for yah, i can tell.

    just keep eating processed GUY foods and meats.

    then you'll get that guy belly and never see your genitalia again.


  7. Heck no! The whole, "Be a man, eat meat, you're at the top of the food chain blahblahblah" mindset is a ridiculous turnoff. I don't want some meatheaded dude.

  8. Probably not.

  9. It's sad that compassion is somehow considered to be an exclusively female trait.

    My (vegan) boyfriends are far more manly than the beer-guzzling football frat boys who are scared sh*tless about what their lame ignorant friends might think.

  10. Absolutely no way can it be girly.  I think it's forward thinking at it's best.  Also, being a man doesn't mean doing the manly thing all the time.  It's being responsible, mature and educated.  Sounds like you fit all three.

  11. No it is not. Forest Whitaker who played Ugandan dictator Idi Amin is a vegan and I don't remember that being girly or him ever being called girly or any other vegetarians or vegans being called girly unless they were girly for other reasons. I only mentioned Forest as an example because the Last King of Scotland was a good movie and there is no way he could have been mistaken for being girly. On that note being girly is not a bad thing, we are all human and we all have human tendencies and we use gender to define some of it when it is just normal humanity.

  12. No I don't think so it's a personal choice (of both genders); all the men/boys I've chatted about my vegetarianism with have said that they would not find it any different for a guy or girl.

  13. um....sorry but are you stupid?

    how is it girly? in any way?

    its saving animals

    im vegetarian. and guys who eat meat disgust me. i dated a meat eater and kissing him just grossed me out

    i think guys who are vegetarians are s**y =]

    are you s**y?  

  14. no. I was a vegetarian but had to quti for health reasons...there is nothing effeminate about is being responsible for your good health!

  15. No. It has nothing to do with your manliness. Therefore you shouldn't be concerned with what people think of it. It's a personal choice, either for health or morality. Either way, it's your decision. If you feel uncomfortable about being one or becoming one, just think of why you're doing it. Make sure you're doing it because you want to.

  16. No, thats ridiculous.

    If doing something to reduce suffering in the world is girly, I don't want to be "manly".

    Are any of these men too girly for your standards?

    If you need meat or dairy during any stage of your life or to live any certain lifestyle, why does the American Dietetic Association say otherwise?

  17. No! You have to do what feels right to you regardless, but seriously if you do run into any veggie chicks, they'll be all over you!!

  18. a veg is ether boy or girl

  19. No way. I am a guy and vegetarian. ( and straight )

  20. Stereotypically, it kind of is.  Anyone can be a vegetarian though, it doesn't matter.

    Lol... Everyone that said no was a girl. x]

  21. Guess you got your answer.

  22. vegetarian guys are hott:]

  23. I don't think so. I've known a variety of veggie guys, ranging from the bi hippie to the super-hot poet-lawyer who I totally fell in love with back in the day.  

  24. vegetarian is for anyone that want to live a healthy life.

  25. just so you know, guys who are vegetarian ummm...taste better. if you know what I mean.  Meat makes body fluids bitter.  vegetarians taste sweeter.  

  26. I'm a vegetarian and i rock

  27. 20 year old g*y male.

    No, being vegetarian makes you the cute and sensitive typer smarter than those clowns who trash their arteries on a big steak then get drunk at the pub or ogle women. I guess my answer hints at your logic; things as simple as our diet are gendered, and being vegetarian is a feminine thing. That's because we attribute caring and sensitivity to women, and vegetarianism involves caring about animal's liberty from a standpoint that's often counter to maximum human benefit.

    I might also note that it seems like gender performance is fracturing a bit, if the scene kid culture can be believed at all. All these guys rushing to be the cuddly and sensitive ones, and all these girls rushing for guys who'd otherwise be labeled g*y if not for freer gender expression in said culture. No surprise so many of them seem to be veg. or vegan; they've got license in their grouping.

    I'm not sure how to really break down feminist or q***r theory, so maybe I should just tell you to be true to yourself and eat to your political beliefs. Kids will be ***holes whatever your diet, and latch on to the tiniest thing to question your sexuality, too.

    Oh, and as another person noted, men who skip meat and dairy products have better tasting seminal fluids. Hard to describe; planty yet sugary? Any potential hookup will apreciate this.

  28. That's such a silly stereotype! Just because a lot of vegetarians are women, it doesn't mean that male vegetarians are "girly." Men go vegetarian for all of the same reasons that women do -- health, religion, compassion for animals and the environment (which is a major turn-on for women), etc.

    Besides, there are quite a few male athletes out there who are vegetarian or vegan. I heard that Carl Lewis is vegan, at least when he's in training if not all of the time. No one calls 9-time gold medalists in track and field "girly!"

    Also, I worked with a guy who was a former professional wrestler. He wasn't vegetarian but was all about the tofu. He said it was really popular in wrestling circles because it's such a great protein. Nothing sissified about that!

    Guys who become vegetarian are smart, especially if they want to attract women. After all, at most vegetarian events, there will be three single women for every one single guy...

  29. Not at all!

    I know plenty of vegetarians that are guys.

  30. i know a guy veg... but he says it's cuz he doesn't like the taste and got sick off meat before... not at all bc he cares about animals.  which i think is sad.

    my bf is on his way there... but he is much bigger on the health aspect of it then the animal aspect of it... though he respects that part of it....

    i only knew of a couple other guy vegs... not so popular sadly :/

  31. Are you kidding? Vegetarian guys are HOT!

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