
Is believing in global warming politically correct?

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Just to be nice and not hurt anyones feelings?




  1. The words 'political' and 'correct' forms an oxymoron. There is no politically correct anything. You must check out what you can find on a subject and make up your own mind.

    Never lie to save someones feelings. Be honest no matter what. That's who you are, and that's who you must be. The rest is all fake and dishonest. Don't insult people, don't attack them personally, of course, but don't try to be 'politically correct' since it is indeed an oxymoron... that is, only morons  lie in the first place.

    Don't be rigid, learn what you can, ignore other people's opinions and find out for yourself. If you find out you are wrong, then accept it and change your opinion easily. That's the way to get smarter.

    And yes, Earthwarm is real, although the question of what causes it is still undecided. Humans do have a big effect on the world, because we are everywhere and do everything pretty badly. Science is finding out all kinds of stuff that Humans are doing to the planetary ecosystem, but politicians are an ignorant lot. And that's why 'politics' is such a load of destructive foolishness. They are never 'correct'. grin.

  2. is anything politically correct?

  3. It's both politically correct and an unproven concept.  In school, we were taught about ice ages and this constant cycle that the earth goes through with cooling and heating.  We are experiencing the same things that our earth's inhabitants have experienced throughout the history of the planet.  But if you want to believe in it....well it is the popular thing to do right now.

  4. It is actually your opinion on that. You can choose any because many believe that it is true and some do not. Most scientist say that global warming is currently happening but then again there are a few that disagree so you can choose. I don't really care about that decision , I am rather busy of trying to prevent it or stop it.

  5. For sure.  Just look at the politicians.  The Republicans in particular.  They are making gigantic fools of themselves and the media is loving them for it.

    Just as the news is coming out that the earth has not gotten any warmer over the last 10 years, and the scientific consensus is scratching their collectivist heads and saying global warming is on vacation for the next decade you have politicians scrambling to get on a bandwagon that's about to lose its wheels.

    I'd say most definitely it is politically correct.  It follows that you also have to promote the collectivist solutions to the "gorebull warming crisis".

  6. It sure is.

  7. global warming has one thing to do with  politics global warming is real and its going to affect everyone even those in the white house

  8. some people's feelings would be hurt by your belief in global warming also.  so i would say no, its not politically correct.  

    but it isnt politically incorrect either. political correctness doesnt really apply to global warming either way

  9. Yes , that's a big red flag too .

  10. Yes.  Only correct in the eyes of politicians, many in Hollywood, and many who believe what the media says.


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