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A bit of info to all of you ben heads out there in regards to Benjamin Burnley and Rhiannon Napier. The rumor is that they were just recently married. Well guys, it's just that, a rumor . I Am pretty close with Ben, so when this newest lie came about he truly couldn't believe it. I too was pretty shocked. He's sure Rhiannon is the one who started the rumor. They've been pretty much over for about 4 months now. I'm sure everyone has noticed he's been off of twitter and facebook for about the same time. Ben is struggling to make their split as painless as possible, but she refuses move on. He's trying to throw himself back into music and form a new band. It's a big part why they're no longer together. My hope is that Rhiannon can get it together and move on.I hope this new info helps all ben heads out there to wish them well as they start their new journeys apart. Just letting you fans out there know what's up!
Report (1) (0) | 10 years, 10 month(s) ago
Oh that is so wonderful! It's so great to see he has someone by his side to help him through the rough patches, I'm sure. Tell the BIG congrats on tying the knot! Love is a beautiful, sacred thing! Best of luck and wishes! Might we hear the pitter patter of little Bens or Rhiannon's soon?
Report (0) (0) | 10 years, 11 month(s) ago
Also to clear up the other rumor...Kristen, also known as Nikki to her close friends and family, is not in a relationship with her 'sisters man'. That's ludicrous lies that was made up by former friends in an attempt to discredit Ben, Rhiannon and their relationship. I'm here to let u know that rumor is also not true. If you have anymore questions or rumors needing cleared up feel free to post them and I will be happy to answer them for you if I can.
Report (2) (0) | 10 years, 11 month(s) ago
Just to clear things up a bit for anyone interested. I am a close personal friend of Rhiannon and Ben. I talk to Rhiannon on a daily basis and am very happy to announce not only have they been together for 10yrs but they recently were MARRIED! I hope everyone will join me in congratulating the very happy and beautiful couple on their nuptials.
Report (1) (0) | 10 years, 11 month(s) ago
It was just confirmed that Benjamin and Rhiannon are on their way to splitsville. It's quite sad if you ask me. I think they make a beautiful couple. I believe that the source said that he'd met someone else and was trying to let Rhiannon down easy. He said its something he feels awful about and that he's truly grateful for all she's done for him, and that he wished it didn't have to end like this, or something to that affect. Apparently the new woman in his life is pregnant and that is why he's coming forth with all of this so abruptly! Wow that really sucks for poor Rhiannon. I'd be pissed! I'd hope this was just all b.s but it comes from a pretty accurate source! No news yet on if Rhiannon has been told or if she's keeping the info under wraps !! Yikes!!
I'm pretty sure that you need to stop running your mouth because I can garantee that you don't even know them! Why does it even matter? People get so d**n nosey and get into other people's business because they don't have a life themselves! Quit running your d**n mouth and go find somebody else to pick on. THANKSSSSSSS(: Oh and by the way, to the person who "knows of Ben and has spoke to him", who are you to judge them?! I guarantee that I've never heard of your so called 'music'. Suck on that.
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to the "MUSICIAN who knows OF ben and has spoke to him?" why would someone like you care so much and be on the internet looking up if ben is still with rhiannon? talk about lies and bullshit! I met ben when him and rhiannon first started seeing each other, we use to be really close until he got sick but we still remain friends. i know for a FACT its just ben and rhiannon. they use to joke around when idiodic people would ask "are you dating rhiannon and her twin sister?" they would say yes but JOKINGLY because of how STUPID the question was. I know the truth and its rhiannon and ben only. and to the those who keeps referring to her twin as kristen, its nicole. she only goes by krsiten online. get your facts straight and stop talking s**t.
Wow you fans think you really know them and there lives, Well why dont you know that they are all three dating? You are as bad as the others on here talkin s**t. Defending them and really not knowing whats behind the secret doors. Nobody should be here talking s**t unless you know them personally. So as i know of ben and what he is and i am a musician who can say that what Ben has told me. I think it is nasty and Kristen needing to find her own man and stop sharing her sister Rhiannons man, You all need to learn the facts before speakin lies.
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Wow. I get that people like to be nosey but seriously how are you going to go and say something like that? They don't deserve to be talked about like that. Ben is a great musician and Rhiannon seems to be a totally sweet girl who supportive not only of him with his health issues but also of his career, even if it does bring in the crazies. The fans that know of her, love her. But that really doesn't even matter. He is an entertainer. You love him for his music. It shouldn't make a s**t to the public if decided to date a 3 headed green alien. Who cares who he is dating. It sure as h**l isn't you and that's all you really need to know!
It's pretty sad to see how people are so immature on here. They can say harsh things over the internet but can't grow a pair of balls and say it to their face! This whole thing is nothing but PURE JEALOUSY. People are too busy sitting around on their asses with nothing to do besides getting on the computer and feeling the need to make somebody else's life a little more miserable everyday. Rhiannon and Nicole Napier are the sweetest people that I have ever met and to think that people make up these sick rumors about them just makes my stomach turn. I have a suggestion... GET A FREAKING LIFE. Thankkssssssss(:
Ben and rhiannon are good friends of mine, and i can personally say he is with rhiannon, and rhiannon only. Yes ben has bought them jewelry as gifts but that doesnt mean anything. Rhiannon is bens fiance, they have been engaged for sometime now. Nichole lives with them on and off but does her own thing. Not that any of this is anyones business. The person posting this stuff about them is obviously someone who knows or use to know them and is getting off on the bs.
god bless
ew what a sick demented person you are! your obviously the same person who keeps posting on all the other sites that ask about her and ben, someone who has it out for one of them, or whos just plain jealous. stop twisting around their lives to make them look bad. their great people.
You guys are f*****g retards! Ben Burnley is with Rhiannon Napier and Kristen Napier for the past 6 years! They all live in the same house together in PA and he bought them Promise rings ( High school s**t). Ben buys alot of gifts for her family to make people believe that he is only in fact with Rhiannon but behind the ugly truth he is f*****g both twins. If you are too blind to see that then You shouldnt be on here asking. Its all in the open. One day the ugly truth will come out and everyone will act like they are shocked but d**n really, why would he pay for Rhiannon sisters way, Why is that Kristen never has a man, why is she all over him. Why is she suckin her sisters man d**k!!!!! While Rhiannon sucks his balls. Thats some nasty s**t. Two twins f*****g the same man is nasty either way you look at it. Whats so sad is they have to hide the ugly truth. They are ashamed
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Latest activity: 10 years, 10 month(s) ago. This question has 18 answers.