
Is big business's thirst for cheap labor going to be the down fall of the US?

by Guest33107  |  earlier

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Sure big business's are employing many people and many at a decent wage and with benefits, BUT the numbers are rapidly decreasing.




  1. It's one of the reasons we're failing, yes; but it's not the entire story.

  2. No................

    It is the "desk operating do nothings" moving pieces of paper from one pile, to another, causing inflation in commodity prices that is going to finish us off. You see it more now that the real estate market has gone dead, and they are branching out into other things like gasoline, and food.

  3. Definitely NO!!

    It's easy to say that "big business" is "thirsting for cheap labor."  But, whatever drives you to make that statement?  Do you have any facts (not rumors) to back up this statement?  I know a lot of people who work for "big business" companies who make decent money.  And, I'm not speaking of executives.  I'm talking about "grunts," such as myself.

    I work for one of the largest insurance companies in this country, a multi-billion dollar company.  Definitely big business!!   My position is just an entry level position.  I make in excess of $15 per hour.  Not great pay, but certainly not "cheap labor." I also have great benefits, all paid for by this "big business" company.  I have a retirement, plan, major medical plan, paid holidays, paid vacations, paid sick leave, paid personal days off, and much more, including profit sharing.  

    Now, having said all that, it is the purpose of all business, including so called "big business" to make a profit.  The only way to make a profit is to take in as much money as is legitimately possible, while holding down costs as much as is reasonably possible.

    "Big business" is not all bad, nor is it all good, but it does provide a decent living for millions of Americans.

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