
Is bigbrother unsutable for my 13 year old daughter?

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All my daughters friends watch bigbrother, but i dont want my daughter to grow up to fast! Neither do i want my daughter to be picked on or left out! Am i right ? - discuss -




  1. u sound really suffocating

    just leave her be

    she'll apriciate it

  2. Big Brother is unsuitable for anyone with an IQ higher than 9.

  3. yes it is very adult

  4. can't she find anything better to do with her time?

    or is she just following her friends?

  5. well first of all i am 15 and i go to a high school where we talk about completely wrong stuff and enjoy ourselves so although  she might not let you see she probably has grown up and knows about everythin that goes on in bigbrother  

    I think you need to let go off your dauhter a little  bit otherwise she will rebel completely and end up a nightmare

    good luck

  6. Who cares what other people let thier kids watch? You control your TV.  

  7. Someone mentioned the cut morning version they could watch that. This series is not explicitly sexual so i think they'll be alright.

    I'm sure your daughters already know A LOT more than you think/would like.

  8. Big brother is a  great show. I think you and your daughter should watch the show together once and discuss how you feel about her watching it. If you maybe come to some sort of agreement, like if you are bothered about the language and nudity, there is a big brother showing of the previous night before in the morning with all the swearing and nudity edited out. Hope this helps! Best of luck x

  9. Who watches that show anymore anyway?

  10. im 14 nd i watch it but iv stopped because it really is a COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME!

    introduce her to better shows.  but she might be a bit too young 4 skins and dragons den, a bit girly for the real hustle and top gear etc etc

    just find somthing she likes apart from that insult of a good show

  11. 13 is too young for big brother.  The program is a terrible example of behaviours and ambition foregoing everything else.

    I only watched the first episode of the first series and decided it was not something I wanted to watch.  I have heard all the fallout from the rest of the series,, like the racial abuse of Ms Shetty, and all the really bad examples of how to mix with others - like the girl this year how threatened people with getting shot (I listen to talk radio and it all gets reported on there)

  12. she can if she wants

    u shouldnt worry its just a phase

  13. Hiya my daughter was 13 in june she also likes 2 watch big brother i hate the bb . And I have 2 listen 2 it  all day most of the kids @her school watch it so I just let it go over my head if I can maybe watch it with her one night and she will thik mums well cool good luck  

  14. i dont let my kids watch it, and neither do i!

  15. Big Brother is unsuitable for any age. It's cr*p.

  16. let her watch the show in the morning without the swearing. i think its on channel four in the mornings you could tape or sky plus it if she doesnt want to wake up that early

    but i agree with the first answer, who watches it these days!!?? it is garbadge

  17. anything on network television nowadays is bad, for anyone. its all garbage, and its designed to appeal to stupid people. watch TV and see for yourself

  18. Maybe you could watch an episode or two together and see what you think and then talk about what decision is made regarding her watching the show.  Not easy, good luck.

  19. Big Brother isn't suitable for ANYONE with half a brain... :D it sucks your intelligence and makes you truly stupid...

    find something more creative for your 13 year old daughter to do... unless she is into voyeurism!!! :D

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