
Is bin laden an mossad agent?

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think about it




  1. highly unlikely, i did, and its still no

  2. Bin Laden is many things

    CIA assett, stooge, patsy, long time Bush family assosiate...

    9/11 was carried out by the Amercian government and secret service as part of a long standing plan to create a one world government.

    Have a nice day :)

  3. I don't want to think about it, it's b.s. I heard one anti-Semite suggest that bin Laden is Jewish, because his name is similar to name "Ben" that a lot of Jewish people have. Historically Jews were always blamed for "everything".

    I am Jewish American, who studies history and I studied the history of anti-Semitism. I wanted to know the roots of all that hate. It's an interesting topic to study. Historically speaking, Jews have always been blamed for everything and now "Israel" is a new "Jew".

  4. Why ask such an idiotic question.  Mossad is Israeli intelligence.  Israelis are Jewish. Bin Laden is a Sunni Muslim!

    So, NO

  5. No way. Can you imagine Osama working for Israeli Intelligence.

  6. No

  7. the man is dead and buried outside a cave in afghanistan

  8. I don't think exclusively Mossad, but most likely CIA/Mossad. Israel and their Zionist controllers control the US and most of the Western hemisphere, and as the Zionist globalist destroys nation states like the US, a country's intel and govt agencies become one and the same for any country under Zionist control.

  9. no clue but i do kno that a will back(20 years or maybe15 or10) the US government payed him and others to fight as resistance fighters against the soviets(RUSIIA ) who had invaded Iran -payed him billions of dollars which instead of stopping the soviets in IRAN landed in the 2 world trade centers on sep.11

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