
Is bio-fuel production pushing up the price of food?

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The production of biodiesel and ethanol from food crops. Will man hunger for oil deplete our own food source?




  1. It takes more energy to make and transport ethanol than you get out of it as a fuel.

    Corn is now being used as a fuel, so there is not as much supply of it to be used for food, or as a feed to produce more food. This directly drives up the price of our food.

    Ethanol is more dangerous to the environment than gasoline.  Fire fighters are having problems putting out ethanol fires because it can't be extinguished with water, and the foam that is used for gasoline or jet fuel will not work either.  There is now a special foam that is having to be stocked by fire houses for use on ethanol fires which is, as of now, in short supply, and 30% more expensive.

    And for all of you people with a phobia for CO2, ethanol is a corn based ALCOHOL, which means that it is produced by  distilling corn which creates TONS of carbon dioxide.

    So, once again the so called solution to our "problem", creates more problems than we started out with.

  2. ...the area needed to grow fuel for running a vehicle is 10 folds the area needed to feed a person. ..The human body runs at 150 watts, a Honda civic 50 000 watts.

    This will create enormous pressures on the supply sides. The effects on price levels is just one of the consequences. The increased pressures on the limited land that is not yet utilized for cultivation is another...  Such as the remaining tropical forests.


  4. No.  This is a huge lie pervaded by the oil companies.  However, rising oil prices drives up the cost of everything, including food.  Oil is the number one cause of inflation.

  5. Yes but the main problem is the cost of transportation. The oil Co. are making billions due to GW.

  6. go to your local feed store [agway,southernstates]..2 yrs age shell corn was 5/6 10 say yes...

  7. Will man hunger for oil deplete our own food source?

    No.  Man's irrational quest for a substitute for fossil fuels will deplete our own food source.

  8. People argue this, but those in the AG industries say what's driving up the price of everything is the cost of petroleum.  The farmers are seeing less profit than five years ago.

  9. It might not deplete our food but it has already pushed the price of all food much higher.  It will continue to do so as long as we have a government program to convert corn to ethanol.

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