
Is biological and adoptive love different?

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i would love to adopt later on in life, i am expecting a son due in one week. is it two different kinds of love, i know i would love my adoptive child as much as my own biological son i just wonder if it feels any different.... i would hate to have my kids feel as if they werent on level playing fiend, any mixed family parents or adopted people help me out pls!




  1. Nope, doesn't feel different unless you make it a point to let it feel different.

    A good parent loves unconditionally--whether they gave birth to it or adopted it--the love is the same.

    All adopted kids I've known, have felt like they were no different than the brothers/sisters they have, that were their parents biological children.  

    It all depends on the parents and how they treat the whole matter.

  2. Honestly, I don't think it's different. They are still your baby, even if you didn't carry them. I believe that it's in the so called "Mother's Gene's" to love children, whether the children are theirs or not.

  3. Just make them feel that you love them both sooo much. It doesn't matter if the other is adopted. Make the child feel that he/she is special.

  4. Love is love =))

  5. NO, I will just repeat that N O!

    Apart from that think of the tens of thousands of kids who grew up in the Western World as part of families fully believing that their parents were their natural parents only to discover when mom and dad died that they were adopted - if it was different the kids would have picked up on it.

  6. it can be but most of the time its really not.

  7. I personally do not have any experience with this, but I think you would love your child the same, no matter how he/she became a part of your family. :D

  8. love is love and no matter what, you cannot change love.

    I think it'll be the same kind of love.

    If you love both your kids to its full extent, then obviously, there would be no competition.

  9. Love has no barriers. Once someone or something is attached itself to your heart you will love it like everything else you hold near and dear. Some people love their pets as if they were their own children so you should be fine

  10. I'd think you'd have to adopt first to know the feeling, i mean really i absolutely LOVE my friends baby (she's with me enough) but i know that i would feel completely different about one of my children.

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