
Is black or white tape better for the blade of your stick?

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What kind of tape do you prefer for the blade of your stick??




  1. each one has pro's and con's. black tape has a better stick handling advantage because defence has a harder time seeing the puck, but white tape gives the goalie a harder time reading the shot. but i use black cause stick handling is my strength

  2. Its personal preference you can feel where the puck is on your stick better therefore you have better puck control with cloth tape but Black friction prolongs the like of your stick since it is more resistant to moisture and I think you can control your passing and get better wristers of with friction.

  3. I use white for my goalie sticks and black friction tape on my player ones

  4. black the goalies can see better if you use white

  5. Use black, it hides the puck a little from the goalie and defenders

  6. i prefer white. but ive heard black works better.

  7. white tape heel to toe..

  8. Myself, being a goalie, would say that when a player with black tape shoots my eyes can follow the puck easier. On the other hand black tape hides the puck, and white tape rips easier. All personal preference really.

  9. with me also being a goalie (like the other two) i dont really think it matters cause you can tell where the puck is going on any colour, or thats how i see it anyways, but if i had to choose i would say black cause it is hard to tell from a distance (unless your stick handling/passing) for the goalie to recognize who has the puck.  But thats just me and im sure there are many more different opinions out there

  10. Try googling your favorite players or really good players today.  Find a picture of them with a stick.  (Crosby, Jagr, Chara, Lidstrom, Guerin, Thornton).

    They all seem to use black.  It must be for a reason.  

  11. i'd go w/the white tape...personal preference though

  12. I use black tape which means I'm not a racist

  13. I work at an independent sporting goods store and there is no difference in the feel of black or white CLOTH tape.  Friction, yes, but cloth is the same.  Most goalies do say white tape because of the mix up with the ice, which would make sense even if it throws them off by a fraction of a second.  That fraction could make the difference between a goal and a save.  Personally i use black but i play defense so it wouldn't make as much of a difference as a forward.  Hope i helped.

  14. Use white tape on the head so it blends in with the ice. I'm a goalie and I'm telling you that if you use black tape we can identify your shot before you even take it. Goalies can see if it's going hit or low based on how you position the black slab on the ice, but have a much harder time identifying a white strip that blends in with the ice.  Some people think that the black tape will hide the puck when the fact of the matter is that if it's not going to hide it so much that the puck is no longer visible it's not helping you in the slightest.  As for your shaft, use white any other color will rub off on your gloves.

    Yeah....Daniel S is just blatantly wrong.

  15. black

  16. no matter what the peices of **** says that answer this question tell you, IT HAS APPSOLUTELY NO EFFECT ON YOUR SHOT AND HOW THE GOALIE SEES THE PUCK.

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