
Is bleeding from here bad?

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I am 13, and i have stretch marks on my lower stomach. last night i scratched my stomach and one of the stretch marks started to bleed. You can still see and little bit of where is bled, and the mark is redder than it was before. Is this harmful? Should I have a doctor check it? or is it just like bleeding anywhere else?




  1. Clean it off with a wet napkin and put some Neo Sporin on it. I agree with the above, if you scratch it too hard it would probably bleed. Try putting lotion on your skin after you take a shower where the stretch marks are.


  2. How hard did you scratch the stretch marks hun? Dont worry too much, you know when you scratch a mozzie bite too hard and it starts to bleed? id say it'd be a little similar to that. As long as it only bleed for a little while and is not contiuously bleeding, it'll be fine. Dont worry we all get stretch marks at some stage, in fact im 21 and still have some. They basically just get itchy from the skin being stretched and trying to get used to it

  3. Aw, you poor thing. I'm kinda wondering why a 13 year old would have stretch marks.

    Yeah, i agree with the first annoymous guy who responded to your question. the skin is thinner and tender, just put some neosporin on it, and you'll be fine.

  4. Your skin is thinner and more delicate where you have a stretch mark; it sounds like you just broke the skin when you were scratching.  Treat it like you would any other scratch on your body, but if it starts to look infected ask your parents to look at it.

  5. its probably just fine, rub some moisturizer on it, it will help

  6. like the other answers say, the bleeding is because stretch mark skin is thinner and more delicate then the rest of your skin. So just put on some neosporin, and slap on a band-aid if any bleeding persists.

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