
Is blood blue? I need proof it?

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I cannot convince my friends no matter how hard I try, that blood is RED, not blue. I need some proof to slap them in the face. I believe it, but no one else I know does. Please don't answer saying that blood is blue! Thanks everyone!





  1. Ok, here are the facts. YOu are BOTH right. When blood comes from the heart, it is red, becuase it is filled with oxygen which it is carrying to the rest of the body. After it delivers the oxygen to the body, it travels back to the heart. On its journey, it has no oxygen, so it is in fact blue. Blood is only red when it contains oxygen. That is why when you get a cut, the blood makes contact with the oxygen, so outside the will always be red. But, on it's way to the heart it is blue.

  2. I am sorry but once as your blood hit oxygen it will change color.

  3. Blood is red because of the iron used in it to carry oxygen.

    When the blood is carrying oxygen, it appears red.

    When it is not, the blood appears blue.

    That is a site with a drawing of a blood sample.

    The red blood cells sink to the bottom, the white blood cells (that fight disease in the body) sink to the middle, and the plasma (mostly water- it gives volume to the blood and helps carry blood cells through the arteries and veins) stays at the top, being the lightest.

  4. Funny! that in this age and day I cant believe that there is such ignorance!

    Blue blooded, Blue chip investments- No it has nothing  to do with the color blue! I suggest you ask your dear silly ignorant friends that is they know how to use the internet for games etc, they can do a search themselves and learn facts themselves - You do not have to convince them Leave them to their ignorance! The color blue was used by royalty and also the veins in the forehead and throat of fair-skinned women gave the impression that the blood was blue and  so some silly ignorant village bumpkins started this ( my guess)! and  so it  stuck that those that were educated and from real ultra rich families and those from Royalty had blue blood

  5. Blood is White Until it has Oxygen Then it Turns Red.

  6. It depends on if it has oxygen or not.

  7. Blood turns red when air hits it proven fact.

  8. Blood is never really a blue color. It varies from Dark Red when it had Oxygen to a Purple-ish color when there is no Oxygen present. You could also cut yourself(or one of your friends) and show them that blood is red.

  9. if a blood cell DOES have oxygen in it then its red but if it DOES NOT then its blue

  10. First off - I am a nurse .... I have seen enough blood from venipunctures and arterial blood gas draws to tell you that blood is red, not blue, although venous blood is a darker red, sometimes almost purple because it carries no oxygen. When seen through the skin the veins can appear blue, because the tissue that forms the venous vessel is whitish and semi-transparent ( I've been present for tubal ligations as well) and light striking the purplish venous blood is filtered back through the venous membrane, making it look blue to your eyes. Trust me on this. I've seen more than enough blood to know.

  11. You could always prick your finger. -.-

  12. its red but the light reflecting our veins ake it look blue thats why when docs draw blood its red

  13. Blood is BLUE!!!!!!!! It only turns RED when is meets oxygen

    (air)!!!!!!!!!!!!  Well we have to answer thats its blue because, it is........... Sorry

  14. blood is red when it contains enough oxygen.

    In other cases blood can be a dark red color color suggesting lack of oxygen. Blood is never blue!! it  just gets really dark red when there is no oxygen!

    when blood cancer takes over the body strong enough blood is puss like

    A horseshoe c**p's blood is blue not yours.

  15. Red blood = oxygen.  Blue = no oxygen.

  16. well ura dumbass becuase they smacked you in the face with what is true its blue with no oxegen then its red with oxegen

  17. None of them have bled? Not one of them...Bullsh*t.

    Punch them in the nose and watch them go "Ohh...I see..."

  18. Venous blood (deoxygenated blood, high in CO2) is actually a DARK RED color, but looks purple through the opaque skin.  The appearance of veins as dark blue is a wavelength phenomenon of light, having to do with the reflection of blue light away from the outside of VENOUS TISSUE...  (Not the blood).

    Oxygenated blood is bright red.  It's the hemoglobin in the red blood cells that becomes oxygenated.  

    Isn't it funny that they call them red blood cells instead of blue blood cells....  BECAUSE BLOOD IS NOT BLUE.

  19. Blood IS blue.

    Proof? look at your wrist

    what is your blood vein? blue.


  20. well the thing is that blood is red regardless weather or not it hits oxgen. your veins are blood so the blood looks blood but in realilty your blood is RED AND WILL ALWAYS BE RED

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