
Is bloody noses all the time a sign of cocaine use?

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my 7 year old keeps getting bloody noses and I'm starting to think he might have started using some hard core drugs since he hangs with older, thug like fools at the bus stop. Is this a sign?




  1. Hard core drugs at 7?! You really need to find another way to get him to school if this is what you suspect! I would talk to his pediatrician about the nose bleeds though, they can be caused by a lot of things.

  2. that means he picks his nose

  3. it can be a sign of cocaine use, but don't jump to conclusions that quickly. i had friends who used to get nosebleeds all the time just randomly. if you're really concerned, take him to the doctor, there are tons of places that you don't even have to have an appointment and they're free.

    P.S. DON'T let him go to that bus stop anymore! make sure he's supervised!

  4. it could just be allegerys or blowing your nose when its dry

    or he could pick in his nose all the time

    same thing happens to mi lil bro

  5. umm no not necessarily but there could be something wrong with him take him to the doctor. also it is probably not a good idea to let him hang around these "Thugs" because he WILL view them as "Cool Guys" and want to mimic their behavoir (drug use) so maybe you can take him to school early or take him to a different bus stop or something.  only you can prevent your child from using drugs

    alot of pharmacies sell drug tests for like 30 dolllars you can test him if you want.

  6. My brother used to get nose bleeds a lot. There wasn't really a reason. I get a lot of nose bleeds when the air is really dry. Aso, he could have picked his nose, and opened it, and now everytime he bumps it, or picks it again, he could keep t ripping the scab off of the inside of his nose. I think that those thugs are probably not the best people to be hanging around for a 7 year old.

  7. yes it is a sign but i can pretty much guarantee he ain't doing crack at 7

  8. duh..of course. any fool knows bloody noses are a sure sign of tootin'. why don't you just hide your stash better and problem will be solved???

  9. not really, I mean you can get nose bleeds from coke, but it's not  a sure sign. I would just not let him go to that bus stop....I mean...he's 7 right?

  10. A seven year old in drugs?  Ask him.  Make him tell you the truth.

    My husband and son have both had lots of nosebleeds.  When my husband was a child, he had a nosebleed that wouldn't go away and they had to cauterize the inside of his nose.  Some people just have fragile membranes, and they bleed.

    You need a prescription to get this, but the generic of Flonase (about $2) really helps my family cut down on nosebleeds.

    Find out what's going on, okay?

    TX Mom

  11. ok first of all he is seven i highly doubt it. he could just have a dry nose or (close friend had this) a like blood vein may have popped in his nose and keeps bleeding. either way go to your doctor to get some easy ways to make his nose stop. and dont let your son hang out with thugs or else he could lead to drug use. good luck

  12. ok first of all he probably dont know what it is and second if he is hanging with older "THUGS" you need to step up and put your foot down you are the mother make some changes punish him start taking him to school and you need to seriously take him to the doctor for the nose bleeds

  13. LMAO yeah he's a cokehead!

  14. It can be. If you are worried about him doing drugs take him to the doctor and see about getting him drug tested.

  15. That could be a sign when you use cocaine but the bleeding nose usually it occurs the next day of use. when you actually are on it you get stuck when talking and your jaw is constatly moving and some people tend to talk more. of course everybody is different

  16. it could but could also be a serious matter like lucima so u may want to go to the doc and if ur that worried have him get a drug test

  17. 7 year old doing hard core drugs? Most likely not, my 8 year old is waaaaay too young for all of that surely your child is too. If you are worried about the older kids at the bus stop, stand there with him.

    Back to the point- I have got nose bleeds all of my life. No I don't pick my nose. The pediatrician I had when I was a little kid never really gave a reason, just said that I would outgrow them *I'm 21 and still haven't outgrew them or whatever- i dont get them nearly as much now though*. Some get nose bleeds when the air is dry. There are all sorts of reasons. Take him to his pediatrician to see what may be causing them.

  18. Our 9 yr old son gets nose bleeds all the time and it happens mostly in the winter time. When you run the heat all the time in your home the air becomes really dry and it causes nose bleeds. If you would just put some containers of water under or around your heating vents it will put moisture in the air and his nose bleeds should stop or at least be less frequent. I don't however think your 7 year old is doing any hard core drugs. He might also have allergies that he may need to be tested for that can cause nose bleeds. Hope this helps.

  19. You can get bloody noses if the temperature changes, my son gets them all the time at night, when the temp drops....he also gets them sometimes when he's inside then goes outside, the inside of his nose cracks.. Picking your nose too often will do the same thing.... I wouldn't imagine that your 7 year old is doing drugs, but idk.....You could always check out your suspicions to find the answer. Good Luck with all that!

  20. I don't think the drugs are hardcore. Your son is the hardcore one, Cocain at 7? Amen brother. Amen.

  21. What h**l is wrong with you letting your kid be around "thugs"?

  22. I don't think it is from doing drugs, Lets not hope so.  You should be at the bus stop with your 7 year old if there is older thugs hanging around. Don't leave him their without an adult. Young kids can be impressed by older ones, and you certainly don't want your little boy picking up bad habits.

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