
Is boliva a developed or developing country???

by  |  earlier

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if u dont know then at least post a place where i could find it (other then saying "go to goolge") .




  1. it's poor as many countries in latin america but it isnt the poorest as the first girl said , the poorest is haiti but they're not really considered as latin people , they speak french and not all  people in latin america know that.

    with the current president of bolivia things are getting worse due his close relations with the president of venezuela.

  2. Bolivia is a developing country, its beautiful, but sadly its the poorest country in South America.

  3. Very underdeveloped and poor.

  4. It is a very poor country. It has recently started a very leftist swing (like Ecuador, Venezuela and Nicaragua). Try this link

  5. I would guess Bolivia is an undeveloped (and, if possible undeveloping) country...

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