
Is boogie boarding, wake boarding, and body boarding all the same thing?

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I always called riding waves with smallish foam boards boogie boarding but now that i move i hear people talk about wake boarding which i thought is what you do with a boat when it pulls you sorta like snowboarding...? Is it all the same or does it depend on who you ask?




  1. no not even close  

  2. The surfboard man got it.

  3. actually wakeboarding is nothing like snowboarding at all, the concept riding the boards are the same, but the way you do it is totally different, imagine walking on packed snow, then on water. they're nothing alike.

    boogie and body boarding are the same thing, its like srfing on a smaller board that you lie flat on..

  4. no you have it right they are not the same thing at all......... body boarding (aka body surfing) is like boogie boarding without the board

  5. Bodyboarding is laying on a bodyboard and riding a wave in the ocean. Wake boarding is like water skiing where you get towed behind a boat while standing on and doing tricks over the boats wake.

    The Surfboard Man

  6. wake boarding is just like snowboarding except that  you are being pulled by a boat and you are in the water and the board has a different shape on the bottom. body boarding is the same thing as boogie boarding except that you do not have  a board. boggie boarding is when you have a square like board that you lay down on and let the wave take you back to shore. boogie and body are the same almost and wakeboard is a little different.

  7. boogie boarding is just another name for bodyboarding (riding waves on a foam board on your stomach). but wake boarding is being pulled along by a boat standing up on some sort of surf board like thing.

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