
Is book banning a practice most Republican VP candidates have resorted to?

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Apparently Palin approached a city librarian seeking the banning of books from the public is detail from a Time story

Stein says that as mayor, Palin continued to inject religious beliefs into her policy at times. "She asked the library how she could go about banning books," he says, because some voters thought they had inappropriate language in them. "The librarian was aghast." That woman, Mary Ellen Baker, couldn't be reached for comment, but news reports from the time show that Palin had threatened to fire Baker for not giving "full support" to the mayor.




  1. As if the left is the only wing that spins!  I'd like to know more about this.  And, hey, maybe Palin IS Pat Robertson in a dress!  

  2. You'll need to post your link. Saying that something was in Time magazine at some point in the past is not much of a fact.

    I'm sure whatever was there, if anything, has been taken out of context because you Dems are just afraid of a strong woman.


  3. I love the liberal spin....

    There is no confirmation of the story.  No corroborating evidence from the librarian because she couldn't be reached for comment... yet you assume that it is true because it fits your agenda.

    Have you stopped beating your wife and children yet?

  4. Not only is she a Creationist who endorses abstinence-only s*x ed, but she's also for censorship. This woman is nuts and should never be President, much less Vice President!

  5. If she couldn't be reached for comment, how do we know this happened?

  6. Without a legitimate source, I'll look at this as more liberal spin and fear tactics.  Have you checked out the very first veto she made as a governor and some other specifics?  

    This negates so many things that the liberals are attempting to use against her.  

  7. the reps are right wing fascists and religious fanatics

  8. How scary is that? Palin is nothing more than a Pat Robinson in a dress

  9. i love the conservative response: "this doesn't fit into my world view in which all who live in glass houses are righteous, therefore it must be a lie!"

  10. I am suprised the books weren't simply burned in the stove to stave off the chilly Alaskan winter.

    Abuse of Power seems to be a major theme in her political life - how charming!

  11. It is a Republican and Christian thing - hard to comprehend.

    {US government officials are also now imposing censorship at the reader's end, instead of the writer's. A few years back, Loudoun County, Virginia at one point required all library patrons (whether children or adults) to use their filter program to access the Internet, a program that one time blocked Banned Books On-line and many other sites. The editor of this page, and other parties, participated in a lawsuit that struck down this policy. An ACLU press release has more details. Despite this decision, in 2000 the US Congress imposed libraries across the country to filter all of their Internet connections (not just those used by children) or lose assistance for Internet access. In 2003, the US Supreme Court upheld Congress' requirements, so libraries are now faced with choice of censorship or loss of funds}

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