
Is bottled water safer then tap water?

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Is bottled water safer then tap water?




  1. Not necessarily.  Some bottled waters (Aquafina for one) are tap water.

  2. A lot of bottled water is just tap water that's been filtered. Just use a Brita jug and make your own.

  3. First, regardless if your talking about bottled water, tap or filters like Britta your water is still going to contain some degree of...toxins, minerals-both good and bad).  

    If you'd like to know more detailed information about what is in your tap water, you have a right to access and read that information straight from your water company.  Here in PA, Aqua water company mails out a yearly report with information literally listing exactly what is in our tap water, how much originally, how much is blocked or filtered ordered by law...although it does specifically state they only block the minimum amount that is required to keep us from dying or being poisoned by the water itself...but that's an entirely different discussion altogether.  :)  

    Oh, and the other thing is this-let's say that the government went out of their way to put appropriate nutrients and whatnot into bottled water, it probably wouldn't make any difference anyhow. Here's why!

    When you buy milk in a plastic bottle, the longer it sits in the store and the closer it is to the expiration date the less nutrients and minerals will be in the milk.  It's true! The good stuff we get from drinking milk, gets absorbed into or through the plastic leaving us with, I guess you could say...empty milk.  That's why buying it in the carton where and when possible is encouraged more.

  4. it depends on the bottled water. and it also depends on what you are trying to protect. If you are trying to protect the earth, bottled water is not very safe. You are creating a lot of waste it all you drink is bottled water, where will all the bottles go? And the manufactures of that bottle probably emitted a lot of waste while producing it. As for tap water, depending on where you live, tap water can be very healthy...sometimes even healthier than bottled water. In some places it even has fluoride in it, which is good for your teeth. Overall, I think tap water is the better way to go!

  5. well let me put it this way.....bottled water is not federally tested and regulated! tap water is! its like saying cancer isnt deadly! lol yeah i like both! what i do is use filtered tap water! (only filtered because i dont like the odor of the chlorine!) then i use a plastic free metal bottle!!! yum!

  6. Depends where you live, but generally tap water is safer in cities.  This is because tap water needs to adhere to a set of standards, while bottled, doesn't.

  7. For the most part no (and a lot of bottled water is actually more dangerous than what comes out of the tap).

  8. where in which municipality in what county,and in which country

    All of that is relevant

    here is some back ground

  9. bottled water is FILTERED nd taste better i perferr BOTTLED

  10. no

  11. EPA mandates that tap water be tested for quality every 24hrs...bottled water companies..once a year...hmmm..

  12. NO. Bottled water isn't regulated the way tap water is. Plus the plastic bottle, transportation and possible the source of the water are damaging to the environement. You can get a report from your local water department that will tell you what is in your tap water, they are required by law to test it and report annually. We get it in the mail, good luck trying to find out what is in the bottle you paid for.

  13. Just don't reuse the plastic bottles for anything else after drink the water. Try to find a recycling bin or take it to the recycler.

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