
Is breakfast that important?

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wat if im not hungry...and i sit home all day why do i need breakfast for if im no goin to work or school? 18 been a year sitin home doin nothing...takin a break from school so should i still eat breakfast not to get fat? BUT i dont do anything durin the day so why should i ea tbreakfast..




  1. They says if you eat breakfast then you will have better ability to fight diseases and infections etc.but i don't think so i don't eat any kind of breakfast.just tea in the morning but trying to take my lunch little early..

  2. Breakfast is the most important meal of the will actual be doing yourself a favor by eating a healthy breakfast each day.  It helps to regulate your metabolism and makes you less hungry throughout the day.  It is easier to burn the calories from your morning meal as you have all day to exercises or work it off.  I always feel better when I eat something in the morning...try eating something light with a glass of milk or orange juice.  It will give you more energy and more brain power for school, work or play.  

  3. Breakfast is the main meal. It starts your day out good and gives you energy. I know a lot of people don't eat breakfast. I for one don't but when I do I can tell a big difference with my body.  

  4. you dont need to eat breakfast everyday but like other things the "healthy" things you get from breakfeast like protein and stuff, could come in handy down the road.

    I rarely eat it though. never have time

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