
Is breaking an "informal" lease illegal?

by  |  earlier

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I recently informally leased a bedroom out to someone. The person has yet to move in, and has not paid a deposit yet, however, an informal lease was signed. Basically it was a sheet of paper that i wrote saying i'd lease a place out to this person for 12 months and he signed, and i signed.

Now, I'm having serious second thoughts about the roommate and am thinking about rejecting him. Can he take legal action against me if I reject him?

(btw this is in canada, but i'd appreciate american input as well)




  1. Anyone can take legal action anytime, but whether his case would be successful is another matter. I highly doubt anyone who is trying to lease from you has the money available to hire himself a lawyer, and I highly doubt any lawyer would take the case knowing there was little to gain from it. Even if they were to win, what would you be seriously able to pay anyone? A lawyer only wants cases that he's gonna make money on.

    Besides all that, if he signed the agreement and you signed the agreement, then it's his word against yours. You need to have had a 3rd person to sign that lease as a witness for it to have any authenticity anyway.

  2. You can probably keep him out if he has not moved in. Once in you will never get him out even after the 12 months is up!

    An agreement can be binding and I think you would be hard pressed to keep him out.

    Just explain the circumstances to him. I would not like to have a room mate who did not want me there!

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