
Is breeding Rainbow Sharks possible?

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I read plenty of times that it is very difficult to almost impossible in a home aquarium. Nevertheless I want to hear from yahoo users :). I have a well planted 55 gallon with a only 2 sailfin mollies and a rather roomy (yet sturdy) cave. I have a big divider if it helps...

A bit off topic but is there really any "shark" that can breed in my aquarium that won't grow over a foot long?




  1. i believe in order for this to work you will have to combine the 2 species the DNA or gentically combine the DNA thru the egg

    help please:;...

    PS i had trouble understanding ur question.

  2. "Breeding this freshwater shark is rare in the home aquarium. This is most likely because of their intolerance of each other in the small confines of the home aquarium."

    Not impossible, just difficult. Unlikely to beed in a community tank. I suspect that the fish would need to be conditioned in seperate tanks then introduced into a large well planted tank to breed. They will be egg sactterers, hence the need for plenty of plants or moss.

    Not an easy species anyway.


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