
Is britain violent and losing it?

by  |  earlier

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Or have we just lost control of our borders. Most teen and gang killings involve people that were not born here. I do not see any reason why this country has been housing people born in places like; turkey, nigeria, morroco, etc, etc. Can anyone explain why we have them living here?




  1. True and not, a lot of the killers were born here from immigrant family.

    When you go to those countries yo realised how so many things done here are normality there.

    The problem are families who live here and act as if they were in Jamaica, for example.

    They choose not to adapt to English life. And they are backed up by a government who defend this in the name of PC.

    I am Italian and I always wanted to learn from the locals and try my best, so I get frustrated when I see other foreigners taking the p**s of you.

    But as said often they are British citizens, born and bread here, but bread in the wrong way.

    Family is the answer and are to blame.

  2. You people have always been violent.  For Christ's sake you guys used to cut people up and display their body parts in public.

  3. Hey do you think maybe all the countries that Great Britain colonised asked the same question as you asked a few hundred years ago?

  4. yes, i mean the latest teenager to be killed. He was only 16 and about to get his GCSE results. I hope the people who did this get sent down for a long time.

    I don't really know why people from other countries can live here some who get benefits and a free house. If they want to live here they should have to get a job and support themselves like someone who was born here.

  5. I live in UK and i am not english  but what I see here is:

    people are stealing annoying and much racist they even dont speak to eachother properly

    kids are disrespecting parents

    girls are boyish

    people are into drinking loads of alcohol

    then if u are non white u cant do nothing in street but whites are just misbehaving and annoying

    all these and u say people from outside? arent they following the trend?

  6. its the foreigners that ruin Britain!!!!

    now were getting invaded by the Polish.........


  7. It's because we get an awful lot of drugs smuggled in alongside illegal immigrants - therefore the organised criminals place pressure on the authorities not to check so often, or at least try and keep them busy on particular days to make sure the package gets through.

    They live here because we don't mind them living here, but we do mind the fact that they're coming over here without proper authorisation.

    We lost our borders when we turned the other cheek to our drug problem.

  8. There are a small minority of young  people who have taken to giving grief to everyday people. The other day I was stood at a bus stop talking to a friend, there was a kid sat on the bench next to us with his head in his hoody, shoulders hunched.  He wouldn't even look my way.

      Later we saw him with some of his mates and he saw fit to shout things at us and gesture, getting his mates to join in.

    These guys have absolutely no idea of the word honour or respect for others.  They rely on the fact that the average person getting on with there life doesn't want to fight a gang.  These guys are spending my hard earned tax on Reeboks and dope then doing nothing to contribute to the big picture.

  9. watch children of men. crazy movie

  10. Losing it? We've lost it!

    oh and Children of Men is awesome!


  11. well i live in glasgow where its whites killing whites

  12. what.

    white people can kill too you know, they arent totally incapable of it

    we have them living here because britain has a good economy, life expectancy and because most of the people who think like you either rethought their views or died...

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