
Is british pakistani girls want to marry in 4rm pakistan or in uk?

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I want to know about the british pakistani girls who wants to marry someone in pakistan(arrange marriage) or who wants to get marry in uk(love marriage) give awnser in two lines explaining reason






    I want to merry a british girl but only serius girl not for time pass my contact number is 923323485715 i am waiting for a true girl calling ,,,

  2. it dont realii matter if u marry a guy 4rm pk or uk. however pk guys are more understandable they have some respect whereas british guys no offence think too much of themselves so like better of to marry some1 in pk.

    pakistani girls seem daft and dumb but trust mee there not there more sly then uk girls and 2 x clever...


  3.  Hello..This adeel live in jaddah saudi arabia...And want to marry with british girl my this no#+966 59 6838248....

  4. i am male 24 in pakistan in lahore my name is fakhar ali call my number 03219482822 my hieght is 6/4 i wait any females call me

  5. search id on facebook

  6. i want 2 get marry with british pakistani girl im in uk

  7. No one should marry anyone from Pakistan

  8. Yes British-Pakistani girl should marry with any guy from British. Any wise person from Pakistan never marry any british born Pakistani girl because girls from Pakistan knows very well about Islam, family values and our culture as compare to British-Pakistani girls. I am in UK for last 6 months and i found so many british born Pakistani boys and girls are passing  life like Britz and this life style is not acceptable by any guy from Pakistan "Pakistani larkion ki baat hi kuch aur ha".

  9. Yes its true that A large Number of UK pakistani girls prefer to marry in pakistan becuase pakisani culture is so different then all world.
    Many families whose forefather beloged to pakistan they strickly prefer to marry their childrens (specially girls)in pakistan.  from pakistan

  10. Many British girls would definitly marry a British Pakistani guy. =]

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