
Is bruce Ivens was alive and found to be guilty of the anthrax attacks would he have been sent to.......

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guantanamo bay?

And how do americans feel about the fact that the last terrorist attack on american soil may have been conducted by one of their own US military personnell?

Its mind-boggling stuff




  1. its not surprising to me at all

    the whole 9-11 attack was planned by our government


    to make the ultimate plan more achievable

    theres alot of S**t goin on behind closed doors that we as a people need to become more aware of

    when stuff like this tends to open the eyes for only a moment

    but then people tend to quickly close them fear of what they may see

    its hard to say what wouldve happened to him

    but did one ever come to think it wasnt actually suicide

    organized crime has the ability to cover things up

    read this link

  2. Ivins was not an enemy combatant... as are the GITMO detainees. There are certainly military and DoD members who have committed crimes. Since they are Americans and NOT enemy combatants, they are tried in the American civilian (or military) judicial system. No one has ever said Muslims are the ONLY terrorists... just the majority of them.

  3. NO!

  4. No I do not believe he would have been sent there, more than likely he would have been sent to the FED hotel but maybe not.

    I think it is a very awful, treacherous thing when our own sets out to hurt their fellow Americans.  However things like this happen often, Oklahoma comes to mind. As well as many other crimes.

    What boggles my mind more is the act of any person, regardless of origin, attacks their fellow man with the intent to do them harm.

  5. I'm having a little trouble understanding your question.  The people being held at Guantanamo Bay are not being suspected of or charged with terrorism.  They were picked up as enemy combatants and are awaiting trial.  So, even if Ivins were convicted, he would not be sent to Guantanamo Bay, but to a federal prison on the U.S. mainland.

    The second point is that he was not being accused of terrorism and that wasn't a part of his motivation or crime.  He held a patent on an antidote to the strain of Anthrax poisoning that he developed and hoped to profit from it.

    Again, your question is way off the mark.

    P.S. Yes, it was thought to be "bioterrorism" at the time, but we know better now.

  6. Most likely not. Don't agree or disagree with that; they had no need to 'obtain' further information from him. His attacks were absolutely terrorism.

    Larger point in my opinion is that Guantanamo should have never existed  and needs to be shut down. If you agree (or want to find out more), follow this link and help shut Guantanamo down:

    Click on 'Tear Down Illegal US Detentions'

    And , yes I do love my country very much. Doesn't make this right though.

    I really don't think that the attacks were planned by the US in any way, shape, or form...somebody's been reading too much clancy/ludlum, lol ;-) Curious George could not have pulled that off, though he's obviously capitolized on it. That's not America though.

    I sense a sequel to Team America taking shape... f*k yeah  :-)

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