
Is buffallo milk dairy free

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i am looking for a cheese that is dairy free any suggestions?

does anyone know if mozzaralla cheese is a dairy free cheese that can be eaten by people who are dairy intolerant?




  1. Pretty much all cheese is made from dairy products, I think there are some 'vegetarian' cheeses on the market but I do not know what are in them. Check your supermarket. If you are lactose intolerant you may find Goats Milk cheese (feta) easier to digest.  

  2. A buffalo is a cow.

    Try goats milk easier on the tum.

  3. Any milk that comes from an animal is a dairy product, although goat cheese is lactose intolerant friendly.

    Buffalo mozzerella is not made from buffalo milk, it's skim milk from cows.  Confusing I know.

    There are lactose free cheeses made from cow milk - the cassein is removed. There's also soy based cheeses available.

  4. you need to get goats cheese- i assume that you mean cows milk, and mozzarella comes from cows

  5. vegan cheese would be the only non dairy- its still dairy if it comes from the milk of any animal- buffalo, cow, goat, mouse,elephant... its all milk obscure or mainstream

    The best vegan cheese is Vegan Gourmet Follow Your Heart - and they do have mozzarella as well as cheddar, jack, and nacho.

    May not be in regular groceries but health food stores, whole foods, or the internet will have it

    BTW I'm not pushing veganism on you- just saying that will be your only bet for non dairy cheese.

  6. All milk is a dairy product

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