
Is burning DVDs for your personal collection considered a hobby?

by  |  earlier

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OBVIOUSLY it's illegal, but many ppl have programs to copy and burn movies. Is this considered a hobby or something people would do if they have nothing better to do with their lives?




  1. no, not a hobby...

  2. Even if the type of copying you are talking about what legal, it would not be considered a hobby.  A hobby is usually productive and should be something you can take pride in.

  3. I've got over 1200 VHS tapes of programs that I taped off TV.  Nothing illegal about that.  I intend to watch them all and put some on DVD in the future.  I also have several hundred audio tapes of Old-time radio programs.  Call it a hobby or maybe a pastime, doesn't matter, as long as it is enjoyable.

  4. Making illegal copies of someone's copyrighted work by pressing a button on a computer is hardly what I would consider a hobby.

    To me a hobby isn't just something to fill the day, it's something I can take pride in.  

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