
Is business down in your local Restaurants?

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I have noticed a downward tick in the number of people who are eating out in my community. I suspect even if it is down 10 percent many local eating establishments will go out of business. I think many people are trying to cut down on their expenses and are eating more sandwiches and macaroni and cheese.

Have you noticed less people eating out due to the ecomony and inflation?




  1. yes My favorite friendly's in a mall is closed for good! WAAAH!

    and Value city closed

    Booksmith closed

    Dollar store closed

    small wawa closed

    and the good Cd store in the downtown is closed!

    NJ SUCKS! everything closed!


  2. YES!  My husband is a restaurant manager and he has said that not only is business down, but, due to increased supply costs, they are having to increase their prices every few months.

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