
Is buying a girls helmet for a guy a dumb idea?

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Well, I want to get this helmet..

I just saw on a different website that it was a women's helmet.. I am from South Florida and some of my family grew up in Hawaii, so I really like the design of this helmet to remind me of home.. I am a 20 yr old guy that rides track. I am worried about seeming like an idiot getting this helmet and having possible sponsors, etc, looking down upon this. Can I get some opinions?




  1. Are you secure with your being?

    If so why would you ask this?

    You want permission to wear something that you obviously aren't sure about in regards to appearing g*y or feminine?

    If you can't validate yourself how could you expect anyone else to do that for you?

    Don't ask for our opinion on whether you look g*y or feminine ask yourself, by asking you pretty much answered how you feel....

  2. Dude, wear what you want. It's not my style but it's not my helmet either. It shouldn't matter whether you are wearing a pink one or a black one, it's still yours.

    The idea that something is a 'girls' helmet is as ridiculous as there being such a thing as a 'chick bike' (which some idiots actually believe is a reality). That's basically saying that you have issues with your own masculinity or that a girl can only handle a certain size bike. Ridiculous.

    If you like the helmet and it means something to you, buy it. You're the only one that you have to worry about.

    Ride safe.

  3. i would say go for it dude, as long as the helment is not pink, i think that you should be able to pull it off, and make sure that you have some hawaiian 'something' somewhere on your bike or even on your helment...

    dude, i just saw the helment, that's a pretty tight helment, dope color too. i don't think you should have any problems...


  4. Like BD said if you go all the way with the theme it'd probably work. I believe also that you need to carry yourself with confidence to make it seem that it was all on purpose.

  5. You know, I've been wearing helmet for over 40 years and have yet to find one that says, "men's size' or "woman's size".  I wear an XXS- and even it doesn't say 'child's size" though most adults cannot put it on their heads.

    There are some helmets that are specifically colored to attract women. I've never seen a man in a pink helmet- but I wouldn't wear one, either. Ewww! I'd avoid helmets that have roses on them- those are associated with ladies, but I don't think anyone will stop you from buying anything that you want.

    I really don't think the sponsors are going to attend to your attire. They are going to be watching you ride, and at speed, who can see what you have on your helmet anyway?On the other side, if you have a helmet that is exceptionally different, it may be a selling point- It may make it easier for folks to pick you out of the crowd. They can follow the only pink blob on the field! (Just joking- I really hate pink.)

    My husband has a black mohawk suction cupped to his helmet - which he painted with silver to match his steel gray hair. He may look like a nut- but he rides like a pro.

  6. I mean do what you want man, but believe it or not, thats the helmet my girlfriend has, I have a RF-1000 Atrifact TC2, they both match the colors of a black/blue R6 pretty well, do what you want many people might not notice, but I would.

  7. It does not look like a girl's helmet and I for one like the graphics. However the designation of it as a girls helmet may be in the sizing arena. Check to make sure it isnt a smaller helmet before you go buying the size you normally get.

  8. I believe you might could pull it off if you went all the way with the theme.  Maybe Hawaiian decals on the bike or influenced shirt.  Any helmet is a lot better than none, however!  One thing about it, you better be fast if you are going to wear a helmet like this!

  9. Its not pink or lacey, be a man and wear it !

  10. the design makes it a girl helmet.... u should get this one instead... it will give you an idea of what you will look like when you die

  11. 1st i didn't know they anything other than adult and child helmets.

    So if this is correct, your just looking at the color and graphics. If you like it go for it. Sponsors will be watching you and how you act on the track. And as for the others who cares. Of course the ones on the track mite be so taken be your helmet that might lose their edge. Bonus for you.

    Ride safe

  12. Really?  Who cares?  Honestly, I don't see how it's a women's helmet except for the design.  Get the helmet, be less self conscious.  If you're just in it for the looks, then get off the track and off the bike. ;-D  Otherwise just enjoy, and let your skills do the talking.

  13. If you like it, wear it like Richard Petty wears his cowboy hat.

    If you're good enough to sponsor, then I'd think sponsors would want to back someone who stands out from the crowd.

    If they offer sponsorship but don't like the helmet, get a white one.  

  14. Hmm, this helmet doesn't look too girly except some flowers or leaves. But, as for me "I wouldn't" cuz I don't have the hawaii back ground. Maybe I would If i was in ur situation

  15. The last I heard no one was making a "girls helmut" but look iside for a Snell sticker the safety rating company. The "girls" probably refers to the graphics

  16. no

  17. That's a sissy helmet, it's obvious why you think it is a girls helmet.

      If you can see it is a girls helmet then the rest of the world can too.

      But be a sissy and buy it, it will go good with your leather skirt.

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