
Is buying a good property in newzealand causing to achive residence for a small familly.?

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Is buying a good property in newzealand causing to achive residence for a small familly.?




  1. No.

  2. Definitely not, you need to contact the New Zealand Department of Immigration to find out what they require for you to be given residency.

  3. No. buying a property in New Zealand will not qualify you to live in NZ as a Permanent Residence. You can look at applying for residence under investment policy. Visit NZ Immigration web site for more information.

  4. Absolutely NOT!

    New Zealand is not some third world country where buying land entitles you to become an automatic citizen or even an investor.

    You have to apply and there are restrictions on family members too. Preexisting llness, age, whether pensions are transferable and a host of other things.

    You apply to gain reidency by arranging an interview with the Immigration office whereupon they wll thoroughly investigate your past fro criminal activities, pre existing illness, finance, reasons for wanting to become a resident.

    Fleeing from an opressive govenment does not cut it any more either.

    What skill can you bring to New Zealand that we would need is another aspect of entry.

    Even if you married a Maori and got tattooed wouldn't help you bypass the stringent investigation of our Customs and Immigration Dept. So get your information together and go have a chat before you attempt to buy property here.

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