
Is buying a juicer the only option for a juice fast?

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I don't wanna do it for too long, just a few days to detox my body, I really don't wanna buy a juicer, can I just buy sugar-free juice from the store...serious advice please (don't talk about diet and exercise, plz)




  1. There's a little non-electronic device called a lemon squeezer which is basically an abrasive glass or plastic cone on a dish that you can extract the juice from lemons or oranges from by rotating them quite easily.  I don't know if they are still made, I usually pick them up from charity shops, in the UK we get so many colds they were once a traditional essential kitchen item. !!

  2. If you're not juicing your own fruit, I would go to a whole food market that sells organic fruit juice. Make sure you check the labels for ingredients. Ideally, the only ingredients should be water and the fruit juice.

    That said, a juice fast is not a good idea. Your body needs food. See your doctor for a safe way to detox.  

  3. I have both an expensive, top-quality masticating juicer and an inexpensive citrus one. I would recommend getting a juicer and that way you can make your own juice, because fresh, raw veggie and fruit juices are, hands-down, THE most potent and healthy detoxifying things you can consume. I wouldn't want to live without my juicer. The juice from the store is pasteurized and therefore all the enzymes and some of the vitamins will be destroyed, and the "live" quality of the juice is what makes it so wonderful for juice fasting and detoxing because it gives you energy and good nutrition while you are not eating solid food. I have fasted both using natural, but store-bought juice, and my own fresh juices, and I can tell you from personal experience, that a raw juice fast will make you feel better than you ever thought possible. Nothing can compare to the level of benefit it does to the body.

    Having said that, I understand that a good juicer is a big investment, and if you are going to be fasting regularly I would save up for one (that's what I did). For right now though, I would just buy a cheap citrus juicer at the store and fast on fresh orange, grapefuit and lemon juices. Or, you can do a master cleanse lemonade fast. That works wonders too, and I've done it with both fresh lemon juice and unprocessed, organic lemon juice from the store. Both are good.

    If you decide to just used purchased juice, I would only fast 4 or so days, because that kind of juice doesn't have enough nutrition to sustain the body healthily on a long fast.

    Or perhaps you have a juice bar nearby and can buy fresh juice for yourself? That is just as good as making your own when you don't have a juicer.

    Hope I helped! good luck with your fasting journey! cheers :)

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