
Is buying drinking water in Munich expensive? I am going to Munich for 3 whole days.?

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I will be going from juen 17 -20th. I will see the world cup game, brazil vrs australia but then i dont know what to do. any suggestions?




  1. beer is cheaper then water, but if U need it. then buy Mineralwater,

  2. It will be expensive because they know they can charge you more for water at the stadium. bring more money to pay for drinks. Bring a few of your own if possible. Most likely you will have to just pay more for water. Maybe if you can buy some at a general store in Munich then it won't be as expensive. If you buy at the stadium, prices on water should be very high. (just like every other sports event). have fun though. Try and bring your own drinks and that should cut down on cost. But yes drinks (such as water) will be expensive.

  3. WHAT??? Sacrilege  In Muenchen you drink Beer!

  4. In general it is kind of expensive to buy water all over Germany.  Sodas are also pretty expensive, it really is cheaper to buy beer.  And in Germany most of the water you buy is carbonated.  So if you don't want that you can say, "No gas" when you order your water, or what sounds like "Shtilles Vasser", which basically means still water.  But even so, some restaurants will only have the gassy water, but some will bring out tap water for you.

  5. When I was in germany, bottled water from everywhere was very expensive. You should just fill up your own water bottles with water

  6. Munich tap water is safe to drink.  There's no need to buy bottled water.  Have a great time!

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