
Is c ,cpp,c# one and the same

by Guest66995  |  earlier

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Is c ,cpp,c# one and the same




  1. no they are different languages

  2. C is a low-level, procedural programming language. It is still widely used for low-level software such as operating systems and drivers, and performance-sensitive software - for example, the Apache web server is written in C.

    C++ (CPP) is an extension of C, which adds OO (Object Orientation) support, which makes writing many larger applications much easier. It is still considered rather low level compared to other, more modern languages (such as Java and C#). Any valid C program is also a valid C++ program (but not vice-versa). Unlike others have suggested, it is not 'faster' than C, and it has not superseded C - both are widely used.

    Most programs that you use day to day, as well as your operating system, are written in either C or C++.

    C# is a language created by Microsoft. It is a high-level, object-oriented language. It use a C-like syntax, but is not compatiable with C or C++ (neither C nor C++ programs are valid C# programs). It resembles Java in many ways.

  3. NO. C is procedural language. CPP is OOP(object oriented programming). any C can run on CPP compiler but not vice versa

  4. C-procedural language

    C++-object oriented language

    c#-object oriented more like java

  5. Hi:

    C is the old functional language.

    C++ is superset of C. C++ is independent of platform.

    C# is also superset of C. C# is specific to Microsoft.

  6. no...cpp is c along with certain extra features...cpp allows object oriented programming (OOPS) which simplifies inheritance,polymorphism,abstraction,mod... and encapsulation

  7. C++ is the descendant of C and is faster as well as a lot more backed up seeing that it is a popular programming language for programmers. C++ is backward-compatible unlike C. You can compile a C program on a C++ compiler but not vice versa. C#, like C++, is an object-orientated programming language. It was developed by Microsoft and is influenced by C++, Java, Eiffel and Modula-3.

    They are all influenced on based on one another.

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