
Is california really going to disconnect from the US due to conntinential drift??!?

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i live there!!!




  1. lolz. hope not

  2. no.  A river will divide it.   In ancient Indian legends there was a "River of Tears", that dissappeared around 1280's, it ran across the deserts after it appeared in the Pheonix area when the Fire Bird crashed there, and flowed to the Pacific Ocean which was called the "Land with no Memory" where the Atlantic was called the "Land with no History" and the Desert Regions between was called "the Land that Smokes".  this is what an Indian Chief told my mother in the 1940's because she grew up in His Homeland and He appreciated the respect of her and her friends when they climbed into and around His land.  No one knew this Chief and his Friends were in the area.  They were there from 1863 until 1938, my mom lived in the area in the 1920's, hence this Chief's seeing her.  But that is a story that no one believes anyway, His stories about Nature and the area would shed lots of light on such questions as ma told me many things and SHOWED many to me as well so i will NEVER GROW UP.  nor will i EVER be afraid again.  fear not,  Love always wins........    tink

  3. that is what i have heard for a very long time but i am wondering if that is true. i know that there are so many things that may happen in years to come but theya re saying very soon. i am not too sure if this will happen at all.

  4. Well, it would be so gradual that you don't have to worry about it right now. Let's say a river forms where the fault lies, and that river gets deeper and deeper over many, many years.

  5. maybe, but not anytime soon. You will be long gone, dont worry.

  6. Well, that's what the scientists say.  No worries, it's not like it's going to dissconnect from the U.S. in a year, it's going to be much later than that.

  7. Facts are good to have, my friends =). Please see the link below. Southern California is moving North, but California's not going to break off or drift away.

  8. i sure hope not

    California is nice

    your so lucky

  9. Yes, after millions and millions of years, and by then we may be exitinct or the Earth may be a ring of rubble circling around the sun.

  10. I was about to ask the same question and I live there to and I hope it doesn't

  11. No it would take a cataclysmic event such as a very large earthquake to do that. Not impossible but unlikely.

  12. yeah... get a cell phone.

    And if you make it, buy stock in a company that makes flags with 49 states on them.

  13. prob in about a millon years!!

  14. is the time to get property in Nevada.  That way, if it does, you will have beach front property.

  15. If it does, the women who live there and fall into the sea, will be able to float to the top of the ocean... thank God for silicone.

  16. Yeah, can't wait til it happens.

  17. well, some of california will be disconnected in a few hundred years. the san andres fault is the boundry between two different plate boundries. the plate boundries are called transform boundries which means they are rubbing together and going opposite ways. so half of california is going north. it is called plate techtonics or continental drift.

  18. If the earth survives long enough. ^^U

  19. We couldn't be so lucky !

    Cross Your fingers.


  20. Yes eventually. Like in 200 million years. Same with Alaska because of the under ground plates that are constantly but slowly moving. And sometime soon there's supposed to be another huge earthquake in San Francisco bigger than the 1906 one cause of the underground plates.

  21. it is!!!????

  22. It just might. But not before a 100 million years

  23. no such thing as continental drift you crazy witch doctor! its all made up, just like evolution and global warming.

  24. The outside part (west of the san andreas) is moving millimeters a year toward the north.  In several thousand years from now, it maybe will have slid northward about a kilometer.

    I don't think you need to worry too much.  Besides, Baja California will take its place, at least for a while.

  25. not in your lifetime so no worries

  26. most of it yes. But not for several hundred years.

  27. about 2 millions from now.  I took about 10 million years to make the Hawaiian islands.

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