
Is caller id spoofing illegal in US??

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Is caller id spoofing illegal in US??




  1. ....What does caller id spoofing mean?

  2. its only illegal if you get caught

  3. Yes. So are the so called prank calls. Unfortunately, there just is no cure for stupid. Ill-informed, undereducated, uneducated and even ignorant can all be cured, but not stupid, the facts keep getting in the way. I have an answering machine on my phone and record any suspect incoming calls (loan scams from other countries bank and ID scams etc.) and then take necessary other legal action. The FCC, FTC, and my state PUCO are almost on a first name basis with me. We have accomplished several indictments, though some of the scams come from countries where we have little power over their criminal actions and can only help educate the public so they don't get hurt.

  4. that's right!!

    its suppose to be illegal, but many  are doing it!!

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