
Is calling a small child "the baby" instead of their actual name wrong? (details inside.)?

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Many of my friends who have an only child call them "the baby" instead of by their actual name.

Like, "I am about to go pick up the baby", or , "I can go if I have someone to watch the baby"

Is that a form of detachment? Or does it hint at a lack of bonding between a parent and child?

Do you think calling a young child (2 yrs and under) "the baby" in sentences and to other people give off a vibe that the parent identifies the child as SOMETHING instead of SOMEONE?




  1. in some cases i think its just a stupid self absorbed person that is all wrapped up in trying to say awww ask me about my kids...annoying people really...i have always called all of my kids by either their name or nickname.

  2. I think its fine.  I call my daughters "the girls".  Always have, and thats what I refer to them as, but when I am talking to them, or talking about just one of them I call them by their names.

  3. ok, now listen to me...i come from a very large family in which they called my youngest brother, "the baby", by calling him that he realized that because he was "the baby" he could get whatever he wanted. He would use it against my parents, like "can i please have that new video game...why not? i thought i was "the baby", and they would give in. well my parents gave in too many times and unfortunately my brother now has a drug problem, they gave in and let him run their lives all because they came up with this cute little saying that he was "the baby". It was a psychological thing with him, and he desperately cried out for attention (sometimes in bad ways) and it was all just because he wanted them to notice him as himself and not " the baby"...i am not saying that this family is going to turn out the same, but i do believe that it will affect the child one day, it is a lack of bonding, and the child will eventually resent them for that.

  4. It's definetly ok to call any of your kids your baby reguardless of the age, because no matter how old my kids are they are still my babies. I wouldn't care about what other people think I mean it's your child. I

  5. I never called my children "the baby".

    Each has had their own individual nicknames, even the one I am carrying now has a nickname & he hasn't even been born yet!

  6. How are these people with their children?  Do they seem like good parents?  Do their children clearly love them and are attached?  I think you might be a little too critical of them.  How they act is more important then what they say.  

    BTW-  I use the term "the baby"  all the time for my child.  Baby is a nice term, there is nothing negative about it.

  7. I used to think along those lines too, and then I met a man who has a child (only child) and he has called her his baby since birth. I have started calling her "the baby" and she'll actually sometimes tell you I'm not a baby or I'm daddy's baby she doesn't neccessarily consider herself a baby or what have you it's just that at the time she is the baby, and when/if I do have a baby we will still consider her "the baby" unless by that time she no longer wants to be called that.  It's got nothing to do with a detachment it's just b/c in the parents eyes they are the baby.

  8. Its just something people say. It means nothing-especially not a form of detachment or lack of bonding, if anything-they like having their child as "their baby" I have never thought or heard anything like that. Thats crazy.

  9. It might hint at detachment, but it might not too. I personally prefer to be called by name name rather than my role. On the other hand, I don't think we can demand everyone follow our own personal preferences. If you're concerned about a lack of bonding watch parents and child interact.

  10. I don't think so, my mom has always (still does and I'm almost 20) called me her baby, I have a very good close relationship with my mom. I don't remember her ever saying "my baby" or "the baby" to anyone else she always used my name, but she says it to me all the time. Of course, I'm an only child (well basically, my only sister is 18 years older then I am)

  11. I think it's okay.  It's like calling your husband 'honey' or 'my other half' or whatever..........

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