
Is camping fun or scary or cold?

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is camping fun plus is it cold is it scary?? i just want to no how does it feel like at nite so plz answer xD




  1. Camping is truly a personal experience so it depends on where you are going, who you're with and what you do.  That is what will make it unique in itself.  Every camping trip we took was always different.  There were some warm beautiful nights and other times a bit chilly and wet, but that was the fun of the bad weather.  We had to come up with some creative games to keep us from thinking about the damp cold nights.  

  2. I only camped out once in a tent. I slept on an army cot. It was in a huge, beautiful, city park. We rented it for a big Girl Scout Camp Out. It wasn't very dark. So, all in all, I cannot give you an answer of true camping. Now when we go "camping", it is in a 32 ft camper, with all the amenities. But, I would think, yes, definitely bring a flashlight, or 2. A strong one! And bug spray. Bring an army cot so you are not flat on the ground. A battery operated lantern would be a good idea.  

  3. Camping is fun. be it camping with friends, or family, it encourage bonding among u and people. in school camp, it might teach u how to become more independent.(sorry it's irrelevant)

    back to ur qn, camping is FUN during the day, COLD at night.

    it's not scary. u wouldn't be sleeping alone right. with lots of people around u, how scary can it be? u may not have time to feel scared though, cause ur too tired from all the fun activities during the day, u might doze off to Lala land before u know it.

    camping = fun


  4. I camp all the time and it really depends on who you are with. If you are uncomfortable, no one (except big jerks) will think the lesser of you if you back out. If you think it will help, bring a light and some spare batteries. As for it being cold, a good sleeping bag can get you through the coldest nights. Make sure you put the next days clothes in the bottom of your bag so they are warm the next morning. This way you can get dressed right in your bag! Sometimes it can be scary, being in a new place, but with a few friends, you can have a blast. After the first night, you will be much more confident and rarin' to do it again.

    If you are worried about animals, put your food and anything else with a strong scent like shampoos and perfumes in a bag, throw a rope up over a branch about 20 ft up (away from the camp), tie the bag to one end, hoist it up, and tie the other end about 5 ft up to the tree. This will lead animals away from the camp and keep your gear safe.

    As for equipment, a sturdy waterproof tent, a day pack, a sleeping bag rated to at least 10 degrees fahrenheit or lower, some clothes (duh), a spare pair of boots or shoes, some bug spray, a couple of flashlights with spare bulbs and batteries, a comfort mat (goes under the sleeping bag), a knife (pocket knife in case you need ro cut something, not a survival knife), and something to alert people if you get lost (a whistle can be used over and over again), and an emergency blanket, don't unwrap until you need it). If you are drinking from a river, water purification tablets are a must. Also, bring fire starters and matches (with waterproof case). Also, bring about 50 ft of rope at least 1/4" wide.

    If you are with a group, use the buddy system, that way someone can get help if something happens, so groups of 4 work best (1 stay with the person who needs help, 2 go get help).If help can be reached qickly and someone broke something, LEAVE IT ALONE! As for bleeding, use your clothes to apply pressure to the wound, never use a tourniquet. Only move the victim under extreme circumstances, and only after the break has been completely immobilized. DO NOT MOVE THEM IF THERE IS A POSSIBLE NECK INJURY! You can make things worse by moving them.

    If you are alone, make sure people know where you are and when you will be back. That way, if something happens, they will know to look for you.

    If you get lost, stay where you are, and bring the matches, rope, knife, firestarters, and blanket wherever you go in a day pack. The foil blanket can be seen from far off and will alert rescuers to your position. Also, make a simple lean-to with a space for smoke to go up through and a space for the fire. You can probably find diagrams on the Internet.

    I'm not trying to scare you, but just making sure you know what to do if something goes wrong.

    Have fun, camp safe.

  5. The Ghost Stories can be scary, especially if you are going to be sleeping alone!

    Or your first time camping.

    Search the Internet for some great ones.

    Otherwise not much out there to be scared of.

    I personally have backpacked alone, in the dark for over 5 miles.  I was already 20 miles from the nearest road.

    No problems.

    Get a Headlight at walmart in the camping dept.

    You wear it on your head, wherever you look, it looks too, and keeps your hands free.

  6. Well here is my answer:

    Sometimes it can be fun depending on where you go. Can be scary if you are Claustrophobic or sensitive to the dark but if you are use a zip up tent to protect you from bugs or spiky branches/thorns. Camping can be cold but it depends what season your doing it in or what your location is. At night it can be windy but you won't be scared with a parent/guardian or a friend. Bring a flash light just in case and some Emergency supplies because the Wilderness can be filled with germs and bacteria and if you fall you may get cut and other things.

    Please mark as best answer :) :D

  7. Camping too often is associated with sleeping in a tent.  Well that's part of it but a small part.  Camping is the accomadations method for an outdoor adventure.

    When you go to Las Vegas you stay in a fancy hotel, when you drive accross country you stop and rest at a Holiday Inn. But when you want to spend some time hiking and fishing, and hunting and berry picking and canoing you pitch a camp.

    You should spend an absolute minimum time in the tent or winnebago.  How cold or how scary or how much fun deoends on where you go, when you go, who you go with and how well prepared you are.

    An ill prepared trip to the Florida Keys can be miserable.

    I'm a musher and hunting guide in Alaska.  We go out in almost any wearher.  But we are prepared, equiped and ready to go.  I have a two year waiting list for my moose and caribou trips.

    Plan your trip, be prepared for problems and camping is one of the greatest ways possible to visit nature.

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