
Is camping going to be as bad as i think!?!?

by Guest34394  |  earlier

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my boyfriend wants to go camping for weekend and i said i'll go because ive never been before.

will it be as bad as im imagining? smelly, dirty. unhygenic, COLD, boring.

the only thing im looking forward to is s*x in the tent!!!!




  1. i hope theres no bears there.

    some people try not to leave any mess behind and even take used bog roll around with them or burn it which i would imagine would smell.

  2. Don't even worry about imagining it as bad,camping is one of the best experiences you will ever come to enjoy,once you do it once, you will want to camp again. Depending on if you r bf chooses a campground with all the amenities like electric , water, bath house and bathrooms and more, you will love it.

    Campsites however are a little more primitive, they don't have electric, available bathrooms or showers or other amenities like a campground does.

    In other words you are going to learn how to rough it a little bit more at a campsite.Personally I would rather go to a campground with all the amenities, I don't mind roughing it to some extent, but I would at least like electric and water available.

    A good tent and a nice warm sleeping bag topped off with a nice air mattress will help keep you warm, dry and more comfortable.

    As far as things to do while camping, there is such a long list, for one take your camera with you for capturing those special pictures of mother nature.

    This might give you some ideas, check this out...

    have fun :)

  3. It won't be bad, shower right before you go.

    Make sure you take bug spray, or you will regret it.

    Pack lots of blankets, so you're comfortable sleeping.

    It might get boring, but you can take and plan things to help.

    You can make smores and hot dogs by the fire.

    Get a stick from a tree and carve it so you can roast marshmallows.

    Plan a day of hiking or if you're near water go swimming.

    It is nature, so you can't expect it to be like home, but you can make the best of it.

  4. Just remember that those thin nylon walls do not keep in noise.  If you are camped around people, everyone will hear you.

  5. I like camping, but some people don't. It doesn't have to be so smelly or dirty. If it's warm, you can wash off in a stream or a lake. Bring some hand wipes, because your hands get dirty often, and you won't want to go to a stream every time they do. I usually have a campfire in the evening and warm clothes and sleeping bags. I don't get bored. My friends and I tell stories and just talk in the evening as we sit by the fire.

  6. No it should be ok, just make sure you know you'll be stinky

  7. You're not an outdoorsey person are you?

  8. the outdoors smells great, dirt's ok. you can clean yourself in the woods, a lot of public camping grounds even have showers. fire keeps the cold away, and nocturnal critters keep it interesting.

  9. camping is as fun as you make it

    when we go we spend some days just siting about chilling with a beer a doobie and some music ,other days we go out for walks and visit local museums etc

    and yes s*x in a tent is fun but don't forget to turn your light out or everyone will see your s**y shadow humping like a maniac

  10. no

  11. Camping is soo fun and it also depends on where your camping at to. I usely camp at camp grounds where there is showers and bathrooms and stuff like that.

  12. Yes camping is h**l. Even the s*x will be bad cos stuff will be sticking in you(not just him I mean.)

  13. well make sure you have plenty of that so..then it will be fun!!!

  14. I'm not sure about cold--it's almost 100 degrees where I live and the lows at night are in the mid-80s--but it WILL be smelly, dirty, unsanitary, and ... THERE WILL BE BUGS!

    Lots of them. And probably some critters, too.

    I was forced to attend boy scout camp when I was young and I loathed it. Loathed the camp. Loathed the counselors. Loathed my troop leader. :Loathed my den mates. Loathed my parents. As far as I'm concerned nature is meant to be experienced via television, movies, or the Interent and things in nature should be experienced only if there is a glass partition involved. Preferably a thick partition between me and nature.

    I love listening to the nature sounds of evening from the safety of my screened-in back porch. That's about all the nature I can handle. Good luck.

  15. No it isnt that bad, is there any clubs or entertainment in the area you are going or are you just camping in a field or somthing. you can think of things to do!!!

    it isnt dirty or cold just make sure you have warm pjs the tent will soon warm up if your going to have s*x !!!!

  16. Those are all the great reasons to go camping. If you don't smell by the time you get home then it wasn't a successful trip. It doesn't have to be unhygenic - but a little dirt never killed anyone. Cold - if you're lucky. It is the best camping when it's a little cold. Waking up with a layer of frost on the tent is great. Boring - only if you let it. Unless you call relaxing being boring. You can hike, visit, cook, have s*x in the tent...etc. There are lots of things that can keep it from being boring.

    If you're camping in bear country - be careful about the s*x in the tent. It is said that the smells attract bears.

  17. It will be of you go with the attitude that it will be bad. You will find faults with everything and decide that you hate every moment of it.

    However go with an open mind and you might actually enjoy it. OK you have to accept that the toilets are shared and not perhaps en-suite, and after cleaning the only person to use them is you.

    Unhygenic? Only as unhygenic as you are - they have water you know, cold -its the summer! Take a jumper, smelly? Well the onlt people in the tent are you and your BF.... so which one of you smells then? and boring is as boring does - you should be able to entertain yourselves well, you dont have to sit in the tent all day you can go out and about, local towns, cafe, pub....

    Go and decide to enjoy it and you probably will, go deciding to hate it and you wil;l hate it

  18. i love camping and you will be fine as long as you're prepared for the fact that it does get smelly if u dont wash lol

    and as its summer it shouldnt be too cold lol



  19. You sound like you're ninety years old already - and I want someone young, adventurous and who will be fun to grow old together with!  So - since you've obviously made up your mind NOT to have fun, why don't you be a good girl and leave this guy so he can find someone more compatible?

  20. no it's great fun, just make sure you go to a good site not just a field, then you will be able to get a shower and have a shiite in peace, s*x in the tent is great, but just remember everyone passing can hear you.

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