
Is canada a good place to imigrate?

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  1. its easier to migrate to canada than US if you're from asia.

  2. I dont think it is a good idea. How ever it depends on where are you from at the moment. It is purely depend on  your present condition.


  3. I don't think it's fair to call Canada a Socialist Country as many people here are.  Canada has a mixed economy.  There are somethings are socialized, such as health care (thank goodness) welfare etc...  But the industries are privately owned.  The mix of socialism and capitalism makes it a wonderful place to live.

    And as for the weather, it's not so bad.  I lived in Western Canada for 22 years and I just recently moved to New York City,  I have never felt such cold or such heat like I have here in NY.  The weather from where I'm from seems quite temperate in comparison

  4. Canada is a wonderful place to immigrate to but the weather in the winter is very cold but all in all a very good place to live, work and play Good Luck !

  5. I say yes.

    Despite the wild swings between winter and summer - huge snow drifts in winter and high humidity in summer - it is a good place to live.

    Very diverse, people from all over the world, different accents, some older people not speaking english at all.

    You do have to patient with all the different levels of english.

    Job wise you need to have good qualifications and should get them assessed to match Canadian qualifications so that employers immediately know what you have.

    If you need more training, dont grumble about it - just do it.

    There are a lot of employers who turn applicants down because they dont have "canadian experience". This is illegal but it persists.

    There is also ageism here, so if you have white or gray hair, (making you look older than you really are)  dye your hair or the employers will think you are too old and dont have any computer skills. Computers skill are a MUST.

    I emigrated to Canada in 2000 (in the family class) and have had some trouble getting jobs because I didnt have any post secondary qualifications, just a lot of work experience.

    So now I am back in school doing a Business Administration diploma in the hopes that I can get better jobs. But those jobs I did have, were good experience for showing me the area I want to work in.

    If you have a strong accent and your english (or french) is poor, you will need to take english (or french) classes in order to communicate. You may be discriminated against due to your accent.  You need to be patient and be willing to repeat yourself  if necessary.

    So yes it will not be easy, but the politics are such that Canadians  still have their rights and we dont spend billions of dollars on a war we never started.

    I say yes for Canada.

    To the person whos said that asians get in more easily than americans - that is a huge lie.

    EVERYONE has an equal chance of getting in and in fact Americans get in faster because they already speak the language and have similar work ethics.

    Also there are so many more Asians applying to emigrate to Canada than Americans applying, So many more that some Asian countries are taking a lot longer than the americans. USA takes at most 2 years, India takes at least 6 years if not more.

    And yes Canada is a socialist country - but so are many other countries around the world.

    USA is socialist in some areas as well. The state pays for upkeep of roads, police, firemen, teachers, education and garbage. The only thing the state does not pay for is health.

    And so many americans die because they cannot afford to pay for or keep their health insurance. In Canada everyone gets health care. Doesnt matter if it takes a while to get an appointment - we still get treatment.

    Would you prefer to not get treatment at all purely because you "dont have insurance"???

  6. Depends on your field of profession, and what type of climate you like.

    I immigrated to Ontario, Canada from Mobile,Alabama,USA and I LOVE IT HERE. It's an awesome place, with great people, and relatively low crime rates. It rarely gets hot in my area. However the 6 to 10 feet of annual snow fall can come as a surprise at first.Especially if you a southerner like me, and never seen snow stick to the ground, more or less 15 foot snow banks.

    As I said, I love it here, but that's my opinionated statement. Try it out, get a visitors visa, and check out the area first.    

  7. if your a socialist

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