
Is canada better to raise a child in then in the states?

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Is canada better to raise a child in then in the states?




  1. Canada is cheaper, safer, and cleaner

    And if McCain gets elected Canada may be one of the only safe places to be. If he gets elected we'll be neighbors.

    In canada medication is alot less. Housing is less and easier to find. Cities are cleaner. Job market is pretty alright.

    The Education is easily one of the best in the world. Instead of teaching things to you and having you forget it they bring it up again each year.

    Alot of people like living an hour away from the US  

  2. Yes. be perfectly honest, I really believe so. I believe Canada is safer, although I'm not ignorant enough to believe there aren't any safe places in the States, or any unsafe places in Canada. I just think our health care is far better, and when it comes to raising a baby, I love knowing I can afford to keep my kids healthy here in Canada. But to each his own...I'm sure every American will give me a thumbs down, and every Canadian will agree. Doesn't matter...where you are is where you'll raise your child, likely.  

  3. Dear it's not the place you should consider it's how You will raise the child. Either place has it's good cities and it's horriable cities, it's up to you to know the difference and choose the right place, then choose the right way to raise the children. A child learns more from example then it does words, so make sure you set the right examples including where you choose to live and the lifestyle you choose!

  4. Not particularly. There are really very few differences between the two countries in most respects.

    Health Care in the USA is better. Though Canada has the benefit of having everyone covered, the waiting lists are very long, and quality of care is lower. Private insurance in the USA is not prohibitively expensive, if you need to get it yourself.

    The public school system in both countries is essentially the same; it's highly based upon the individual school district you live in. The USA will give you more options for private education, however.

    Safety and security in Canada is better for the most part, but as long as you choose your neighbourhood well, it isn't a major concern in either country.

    Taxation rates are much, much higher in Canada, and pay is lower, meaning you're more likely to have a lower income potential. However, housing is often significantly cheaper, meaning you can get into a nicer neighbourhood and home more easily on a smaller investment in Canada. Overall cost of living is about the same, though, when compared to the average income. Once you apply taxes though, you'll come out ahead in the USA.

    Overall, I'd rather find a way to get into a good neighbourhood with a good school in the States. It provides maximum potential for your kids to be successful and have the ability to go anywhere they want to in life. If it's just not possible, and you're going to be looking at a more urban setting in the lower income brackets, I'd have to say Canada, only because the higher taxation and social programs benefit you, while penalizing high income earners.


  6. Yes, and if only because of the health care.  You CAN be insured, but God forbid you lose your job or a condition requires care "not covered" by your plan.

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