
Is canada doing enough in water conservation?

by Guest33828  |  earlier

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What is happening around the world to support the fact that Canada, and anywhere is not doing enough water conservation and the water conservation could be much improved for the economy, envrionment, and culture?




  1. Canada is not doing much of anything for water conservation.  Because we have so many lakes and water sources, we have a false sense of security.  The fact that water conservation is never mentioned in the Canadian news or by the government says we are doing nothing.  Wasn't it in Atlanta, Georgia recently that they had a water shortage, it shows that water shortages are happening, and even though we may not have one for a long time because we do have access to water, we will eventually start running out of water, and we will start running out of good clean water.  If we conserve our water we would have more of it (we would have just wasted it if we did not conserve it) and by having more water we could sell it to the Americans which helps our economy, the help to the environment is obvious and culture if we conserve water and don't pollute it we will be healthier (not drinking polluted water) and we will see the need to conserve other things and be aware how fragile things are and learn not to pollute.

  2. Canada can always do more to conserve water.  They use too much of this natural resource to generate power instead of human use.

  3. If you look at a map of Canada you will see that it has an enormous number of lakes and major rivers. The only really dry areas in Canada are the western provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, and even in these provinces the northern areas are very wet. The problem in Canada is not water conservation, but water pollution.

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