
Is canned cat food refrigerated and left uncovered 3 - 6 days safe to be consumed by m y cat?

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My cat has Ben ill for a few days. She has not Ben eating and she seems to have un comfort in the stomach and calm has no energy. When she poops it is a clear thick fluid very muck like clear hair gel. If she had consumed the caned cat food for a few days been the cause of her illness? Is their some kind or bacteria that forms in the can and food? If so is there a vet doctor or someone working in the pet health car service tell me what I can do to help her get better?

BY: Jennifer O.





  1. First and foremost go to the vet. whether it was the food or not something is wrong. I'm not sure if its aluminum or just any kind of metal but storing things in the fridge in certain containers do cause bacteria to grow. She could very well have gotten sick from that, granted some cats are fineky about what they eat, others dont care as long as its food. Next time you want to store it, try putting it in a plastic container, or at the very least a paper plate with plastic wrap over it, but be sure to keep it covered. Plenty of things can get into uncovered containers that are potentially bad for animals.

  2. The cat food isn't likely to be the cause of your cat's problem.  Take her to a vet.

  3. Cats will eat just about anything or at least try to.  I think you should consult a veterinarian to be  on the safe side.

    Poor little Kitty.  I hope she gets better.

  4. It could be from that, usually cats are pretty fussy and dont go for off stuff. I think you really need to take your cat to the vet though, better to be safe than sorry and those symptoms sound pretty bad. I know your meant to take stuff out of its tin before you store it in the fridge, i cant remember why, some kind of bacteria i think.

  5. you should take your cat to the vet.

    I don't keep cat food in the fridge for more than 24 hours.

  6. yes

  7. If you leave it uncovered it can cause food poisoning.Your cat will be sick and yes bacteria will form. Take it in to a vet and get a tablet for deworming. It's the same procedure for his poops. Total two tablets. it will take less than two days to see the change in your cat. Keep it on dry food only.

  8. Refrigerated canned food should be consumed within 48 hours and any that is older than 48 hours should be thrown away.  Bacteria will still grow on refrigerated food, it just grows more slowly than it does on room temperature food.

    The discomfort and lack of energy mean she has an illness, not just an upset stomach from stale food.

    The watery muck (which may be mucus) indicates a problem such bowel inflammation - this maybe bacterial or viral or due to an intestinal parasite.  She needs to go to a vet for a proper diagnosis.  They will probably need a stool sample they can analyse for bacteria, virus or parasites in order to prescribe the right medication.

    Twisting/telescoping of the bowel can also cause jelly like mucus to be passed and if not treated, the affected part of the bowel dies.  This causes fatal blockage and blood poisoning.  Foreign bodies stuck in the intestine can also cause similar symptoms.

    To help her get better you need to get a vet to diagnose the cause of the problem through physical examination.

  9. Food should only be left in the fridge for about 2-3 days (if stored properly) if you find that you can't get through the tin in that time then try single serve sachets.

    Make her drink some water to keep her hydrated and get her to a vet asap.

  10. hey i would get her to a vet ASAP. it sounds to me that she has been poisoned  like she has eaten rat sack or some thing similar you also need to make sure u take all food out of the can before refrigerating as bacteria forms and can make them sick. put it this way would you eat something you had in the fridge for a week that was not coverd. no then y would you feed it to your animals. it would make you sick and would make your cat sick. i hope ive helped tegan

  11. leaving the uncovered canned food for 3 -6 days is very likely for the bacteria to enter the food, but its most likely mould ( the one that also comes from bread when left in the moist) i dont really know about cats so i guess im sorry coz i dont know wether theres a specialist to look after cats.

  12. Yes, it may be the cause. Canned food that has been opened should be refrigerated no longer than 2 or 3 days, since it spoils easily and loses flavor.  Keep in a container with lid or in a reusable plastic container at all time. Never feed your cat food that comes directly from the refrigerator.  It should be warmed to room temperature for about 30 minutes or microwave the food for a few seconds using microwave-safe dish - not in the can.

    Improperly storing and handling pet food can result in foodborne illnesses (Vomiting, nausea, diarrhoea, cramps, fever, including salmonella)

    But if you have not wormed your cat in the past 3 months it might be another reason why such symptoms happened.

    If Ben is reasonably bright, not passing large amounts of blood and not exhibiting any other major symptoms, then home nursing may be all that is required.

    Kindly refer to this link for PROPER GUIDANCE  in home nursing treatment -

  13. Hi, you need to take the cat to a vet ASAP.

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