
Is carnival really that bad?

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im going on carnival conquest this sunday. i hear that it sucks.

im 13.

is it really as bad as i hear?




  1. I am a travel agent at Liberty Travel, Carnival is one of our most popular cruise lines.  It has they largest cabins, even their inside cabin is larger then other cruise lines cabins.  Also they have been written up in some traveler magazines for having some of the best food in the last 2 years.  

    They totally changed for the better and if your going on it I am sure you will have fun.

  2. If you like to eat, (get drunk for those of age) and be told what to do and when to do it, then you'll be ok. It suits a lot of people. Me? I felt like a rat in a maze and my reward was to be fed...hopefully you'll appreciate the activities more than I did.

    My friends I went with thought it was the best thing they ever did. I guess it's not all that bad, you'll have your boring times and you'll have the fun stuff, it's just you have to take the good with the bad on a ship, you have no other choice.

  3. no i went on one last november and i thought it was great! The service was excellent, food was good, i liked the atmosphere, and there was plenty to to onboard as well as off. We stayed in a room with a window and it was a nice size and was really cozy. And the food is amazing! There is a dining room you can go to every night and it's so good! And all day long they have a snack bar with burgers and such. They waterslide was also a big hit!  I think you will love it! Have a great time!

  4. carnival is good....until u go on royal caribbean, princess or norweigan cruiselines.....then u will realize that it is inferior....but for a first time cruiser .....its pretty good, but hey u get what u pay for....

  5. Carnival, just like any other cruise line, has its fans and its detractors.  You will have a great time!

  6. Who told you that go there with good friends and it's the besT!

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