
Is cash register supposed to be this hard?

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So i started working at arbys recently. The entire cash register face is just BUTTONS. So once somebody says what they want i call it back, press the buttons, say my please and thank yous, and get the change. Right now its a lot of multitasking. The trainer gets fustrated with me a lot and people walk away sometimes when i have a difficult order. Its only been my second day on the it supposed to be this hard? I messed up some of the cash but it wasnt anything like a 5 or anything, just "Small" stuff. Is that normal? Plus im very slow.




  1. Yes it is Normal.

    Some  people learn little faster than others.

    Your Trainer ,should have patience, if he/she is a good trainer.

    So keep at it. and  you will learn it.

    See if you can come in  an Hour or Two early , and perhaps , watch,  one of the employee, working at the register and see if it will help you.catch up on some pointers

    Good Luck

  2. ah the memories of being new on a register are coming back!  YOU ARE NORMAL! build your confidence (cause it doesn't sound like you have a patient trainer) ask if they can put it on "training" mode and let you practice!  Have someone pretend to give you an order and different scenarios.

    If you can't do this, ask the MANAGER (hopefully different from your trainer) if you can have a buddy next to you for your first few days to build your confidence.  They should appreciate that you care!  I do :)

  3. it is normal

    you will get more comfortable with practice and time

    every job is difficult at first

    you will be fine don't be to hard on yourself BUT..............

    follow procedures, ask for help when needed and pay attention to the customers and what you are suppose to be doing.

    speed comes with time, practice and proficiency but accuracy must happen from the beginning.


    LEARN from them and don't make the same mistake again.

  4. dont worry hang in there - after five years it will be smooth sailing

  5. No its not just pay attention when they are teaching you how to use it. Which Regester are you using and what company is it maybe I can help? I have Five years on the regester there almost all the same.  

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