
Is castration a good thing ?

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i posted a question yesterday explaining my new rescued mistreated jack russel who i saved from a bad family member is humping my 11 year old yorkie all the time. Toby (Yorkie) snaps bites and tries to fight Milo (Jack russel.) but the answers said this was a dog alpha issue. will castration help? or there any bad things like good it makes them more aggressive health probs if Milo had the snip etc and how much does it cost?

i do not intend to give up any of my dogs.

and has anyone had this prob with their dogs and what helped them out? castration?





  1. Castraton does NOT prevent humping. Humping is not sexual but dominance and some of the worst offenders for humping are neutered dogs and b1tches.

    You will have to train Milo that this is not acceptable behaviour as Toby obviously isn't strong enough to do it. Every time Milo starts, a sharp No! and if he persists, put him out of the room or in a crate if you have one. It will take a while for the message to get through (JRT are particularly determined characters) but if you are consistent the message will get through eventually.

    If you want to have him castrated, that's your choice but don't do it just to solve this problem because it probably won't! To find out the average cost, ring around vets in your area - the price varies from breed to breed and from vet to vet.

  2. dont give milo the snip

    its to late for him to lose the humping. if it was done when he was a puppy he would lose the urge to do it.

    just give them time to sort out who the bigger dog is

  3. im not sure how much castraton hurts but i no it can help some dogs with this problem but some dogs will just keep doing it. By the way how old is your jack russel?? If he is a puppy then yes castrate him but if he is an adult around 5 then he might just keep humping your other dog!?!

  4. castration should help, as to the cost its about £40-60 but if you are in reciept of certain benefits or housing benefit the cost is less than half that. good luck with your pooches.

  5. it will prevent testicular cancer and it will help curb your dog's humping problem LOL

  6. Sorry for the jack but gets his nuts off asap.

    Testosterone will not help his "head" at all.

    Males use humping as dominance thing and your little yorkie won't appreciate this at all. It may end up in a full blown blood bath (both terriers, both will only have so much patients before they snap, literally!)

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