
Is cat litter harmful to mice?

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Is cat litter harmful to mice?




  1. YES! The dust in cat litter, pine, and cedar shavings damages a hamster's respiratory system and can cause kidney and liver failure as well as upper respiratory infections.

  2. i wouldnt use it just in case

  3. yes it can make them sick and make them have breathing problems if you want bedding for them i would suggest that you try care fresh bedding or an old blanket cut up smaller so they can snuggle in it that always works.

    and to answer yes it is very hamful to them they can develop breathing problems and make them very sick of they nawed on it and its not good if it gets under their nails it can hurt them

  4. you should just use normal hamster bedding

    a lot safer

  5. Most cat litters are VERY harmful for small pets. Like others said, it's way too dusty, and if they were to ingest it, it would probably kill them.

    Go for aspen or hemp. (remember, hemp is good agains smell ;) )

  6. sure is harmful when you don't change it. P.U.

    I think the dust would be harmful to breath.

  7. yes it is harmful in more ways then one.  It can cause respitory distress.  thd dust can cause eye infections. It make the mice look nasty if the water bottle leaks Oh and some cat litters are sharp to there tiny little feet that can cause other issues like cuts and infections   ect...

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