
Is ce going downhill?

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top contributers getting suspended 2 in the last month people being vile and nasty targeting kids why does yahoo allow these people to get away with it and let good users get kicked off




  1. nothings changed in here,same vile

    trolls as before.

  2. I've just started looking at the CE here and some people do give good points in their answers but if u disagree with anyone its like a witch hunt. i gave my answer to a question yesterday, and i clearly stated that it was just my opinion and i don't mean to offend anyone incase it did, this morning while checking my emails i had a msg from some random guy freaking out and having a go at me over my answer, it was bot even a controversial question!! Should people not treat each other with respect and agree to disagree?

  3. It is not CE that is going down hill, it is that it has been taken over by trolls who have been attacking good users for the last 7 / 8 months.

    The fact that Yahoo let them get away with it is the real problem!

  4. I don't really think that current events has changed since I've been using this site.  It seems to me to have very little to do with current events and is used for chatting and insulting others.  I am interested in current events and would willingly answer decent questions; I am interested to know what would be a good user.

  5. It was going downhill until I put a book under the leg of my computer desk....

  6. While you have people like Bob b in CE it will continue to go down hill. If that's all he has to do with his time I feel sorry for the idiot

  7. person above me, GET A LIFE! Report him ^

  8. It's always been this way the whole yahoo site is like this as yahoo are more interested in it advertisers than running a decent and workable site.

  9. Some people use YA as a way to insult and attack people as they hide behind the security and protection of their computer.  It's not just in CE it's throughout YA - people are being cyber bullied.  YA should actually monitor the site and check the validity of those being reported as being in violation of the terms and conditions.

  10. Going?

    lol. It's been in the pits for months.

  11. i have noticed recently, that the site is being used more as a chat site., and things can get heated, but i just ignore it all, and answer the questions i want to answer/

  12. Yes, going downhill and not much further before it hits the bottom.  This is the first time I have been on Answers for a for while.  Same old cr*p, people taking pot shots at others when they have nothing positive to say - nasty lot, and rather stupid too!
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