
Is cervical mucus a sign of ovulation?

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ive been tryin to get pregnant with my fiance for the past year, and its been really difficult bc i have pcos..i got my period on aug 21 and lasted for 7 days..2 days later i noticed a clear slimy raw egg like mucus after i wiped...for the women who conceived ..did u experience this cervical mucus???




  1. Usually after my period, I get a couple of dry days, then it gets more sticky, then creamy,and then when I am most fertile I get the egg white like cervical mucouse.  

    With me, when I would get the egg white mucouse right after my period, I end up not ovulating that month, but thats just with me, what I have toticed.  It does not meant is the same for you.  Since you have PCOS, anovulation is very common.  You should chart you BBT to see if you ovulate.

    Wish you the best and a BFP!!

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